first mead???

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Well the.mead is nearly clear hopefully will get a taste at Christmas and store the rest :-D
Don't be surprised if it tastes hideous when you try it. Most meads that young do taste bloody horrible.

Give it 6 months ageing minimum and it's like drinking a different brew.

It'll be good to know how it's starting to taste then though. I've yet to try using OSR/canola honey. A lot of the bee keepers down here try to keep their hives well away from it as it's known to crystalise quickly, even while it's still in the comb and can be a bit of a bugger to extract (they sometimes have to cut it away from the base wax foundation sheet - then gently warm it to melt out the wax and then filter it gently - some places consider it "junk" honey because of that - I don't care, I'd still like to try it - given that the local farmers seem to plant so much of it now, for the "cash crop" value).
My neighbor keeps bees and it's rapeseed honey, so there's a bottle for him , I'm going to have a taste and will let you know and the rest I'm storing :-D
Which would explain the almost white looking colour in the pic of the honey jars.

I'll be interested to hear how it turns out.....