Hi guys, just thought id share, This weekend i bottled my first two wine, Wine Expert Pinot Noir, and Island Mist strawberry white merlot. Allow me to say that removing labels and cleaning 60 bottles was quite a bit of work, wah didnt think it be such a pain to remove labels. Funny thing is when i went to rent the equipment the guy asked if i wanted to rent a floor corker, and i said no since a friend was bringing one to help me out, turns out he forgot it, and he lives quite a ride from my place. sucky part the shop near by i go wherent open on a sunday so had to do a long drive elsewhere to get one, and i decided to buy it in the head since i didnt feel like having to drive there the next day to bring it back. so now i have my own 
I ended up filtering both wine, the red had been sitting for almost 2 months and the island mist has been ready for couple of weeks now, but i was impressed on how much "shiner" it was after.
I tried the last bottle filled of each. The white merlot isnt bad, better then the raspberry merlot i tried from a friend, i'll let it age so more before trying again.
As for the pinot noir, well as i expecting from other people review here its quite a too thin for my taste, i'll give it way more time to age and see how it goes.
Now im wondering what to make next. prolly another quick drinker. Im tempted to start a barollo or a shiraz. the guy at the shop suggested the Trinity Red, saying it had nice body and i would like it, i dunno. Also maybe one of those skeeter pee maybe
I ended up filtering both wine, the red had been sitting for almost 2 months and the island mist has been ready for couple of weeks now, but i was impressed on how much "shiner" it was after.
I tried the last bottle filled of each. The white merlot isnt bad, better then the raspberry merlot i tried from a friend, i'll let it age so more before trying again.
As for the pinot noir, well as i expecting from other people review here its quite a too thin for my taste, i'll give it way more time to age and see how it goes.
Now im wondering what to make next. prolly another quick drinker. Im tempted to start a barollo or a shiraz. the guy at the shop suggested the Trinity Red, saying it had nice body and i would like it, i dunno. Also maybe one of those skeeter pee maybe