finaly got to bottle

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corn field

Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
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Today the grandson came over and we caught up on our bottling.

6 gal. blackberry port.
6 gal. black berry
3 gal. pineapple

all have been bulk aging for over a year. We racked 5 gal. of pear and 3 gal. of Jack Kellers key lime-a-Rita. All of them turned out Grrrrrreat. Needles to say I am pooped.
Surely you got some pictures of this event cornfield !!!
Would like to see a peak at that Blakberry Port recipe too
Busy weekend there corn field.
Let us know when time to uncork these, I see a road trip in the future
It's alot of work , but it's rewarding work!!! I too would like to take a peek at the recipe for this one ( if you are interested in sharing ) ?

Sounds great.... I would also be interested in seeing the BB Port recipe (if you don't mind sharing)
I got the juice at Sams Club, it was on sale so I bought all they had which was 14 gal. When I got home 2 gal. was Boysenberry juice. I made 12 gal. I mixed the boysenberry juice with 10 gal. of the blackberry. Kept 2 gal. of blackberry for toping up and back sweeten. After fermintation I racked to 2-6gal carboys. Later I decided to port one of the carboys. I actually fortified it rather than restart fermintation. The recipt below is for 6 gal.

6 gal. Blackberry juice
sugar to S.G. of 1.090 ( 9 lbs.)
pectic enzyme--3tsp.
Acid Blend---3tsp
Yeast Nutrient---3 TBS
1/4 tsp K-meta
Yeast used---Lalvin 71B1122

Mixed all ingredients except pectic enzyme & yeast. 12hrs. later added pectic enzyme. 12 hrs. later added yeast starter. Proced as for normal firmentation. After3 rackings(about 6 months) added 1/4 tsp K-meta, 5 tsp potasium sorbate. 2weeks later added 5 botles of a GOOD Blackberry Brandy and then swetoned with simple syrup to personal taste (port needes to be sweet. Covered carboy and let sit for about 8 months.
Waldo the wife was at work and neither of us thought of getting pictures. I will try to get a picture of the Grandson with some of the wine we botled
What kind of Blackberry Brandy did you use?

I still havn't found one I like....
Hey Goodfella - make your own.
Take some blackberries (or blackberry juice) and add to some brandy and sugar to taste (or not) in a jar. Shack up really well to disolve the sugar (or better heat some brandy & sugar together to dissolve the sugar). Let sit in a dark place for a month or so and you have blackberry brandy. This can be done using any alcohol or fruit and you can add spices as well.
One note if you use fresh fruit strain through cheesecloth a couple of times to remove the seeds.
Later today I'll post another recipe for some walnut liqueur.

So its later today and here is the link