Final Cranberry Count

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Arctic Contributor
Oct 26, 2008
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So my neighbor had a scale. I ended up with 8 1/2 pounds of high bush cranberries.(Should have had 10 times that much, but Moose and Bears and the weather, dictate what I get.)

In case I need to augment it I also bought 1 gallon of premixed cranberry/pomegranite (ocean spray).

So do you think 8 1/2# of cranberries, 1 gallon of juice would be enough to make 5 gallons? I don't want to use more than I need to, I may be able to get a couple batches out of this.

Won't have a chance to get anymore for several months unless I find someone who has some stashed in the freezer. At -40F most things are negotiable.

I want it to have the essence of the berries and would rather start with a smaller volume.

When it comes to cranberries, what is yalls generak idea on pounds/gallon?

We talk in here about fruit and it is usually 4-6# per gallon, what about berries, much difference?

You may be able to strech it to 3 gallons. If you have a Sams Club or Coctco get their 100% cranberry juice.
I still use 4-6# per gallon on fruit or berry wine.
Keep the starting gravity around 1.085 for berry and fruit wine.
I got 8.5 # berries, 1 gallon Tree Top Cranberry, and 1/2 gallon Ocean Spray Pomegrnatae. Gonna shoot for 4 gallons and hope for the best.
How did you Cranberry turn out???? Did it ferment ok, I have a batch of high bush and low bush bulk aging.
{So my neighbor had a scale. I ended up with 8 1/2 pounds of high bush cranberries.(Should have had 10 times that much, but Moose and Bears and the weather, dictate what I get.)}

Hey Arcticsid, I thought it was "Moose and Squirrel"?
Actually I was picking berries last fall and one of the cats was following me through the woods and bolted after a squirell knocking my pail ove, lost about half of what I picked, so I guess it would be, moose, bears, squirells, and cats!!!

Yeah SWT, it turned out great, but it was quite a fight to get it to ferment because of the natural benzoate in the cranberry. A large healthy starter fired it up and once it was going it went well.

Welcome to the forum, glad to see another Alaskan in here, only a couple of us in here.

This is a great forum, lots of knowledge, info, and friendly group in here.

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