WineXpert Fermentation reisling...

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Senior Member
Jul 26, 2006
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Ok first of all Hello everyone..... This is my first kit and I am following the directions to a T We started the Kit on 7/25/06 it has been fermenting for this would be day 7 when is a good time to start checking SG to transfer to carboy or do I have to wait until all the bubbles in the airlock are done? Also is it ok to check SG and open the top of the fermenter???? Help and im sorry for the newbee questions....
Welcome bmorosco,

Day 7 is when I transfer most of my wines from primary to secondary and you shouldn't need go much beyond this time frame. As noted in the instructions your target SG is 1.010 or less to make the transfer to a carboy and get the wine under an airlock. Opening the fermenter is not a problem at this stage but when the fermentation really slows down (SG of <1.000) is when you want to really limit the exposure tooxygen.

Temperature of your fermentation area will affect the time it takes to complete the primary fermentation: warmer=faster and cooler=slower
So, check the SG now. You do not want to wait until fermentation stops. You want it to still be fermenting when you transfer to the carboy. that way, more CO2 will build up in the carboy, protecting your wine fro mthat bad oxygen stuff.
OK GUYS!!! The SG 1.010 were is what it is supposed to be... so we transferred to the carboy yesterday and now you can still see the bubbles running up the side of the carboy...I hope thats right... also the color I guess looks creamy right now is this right?? It smelled fantastic...I am very excited now says that between day 10-14 we have some packets to add and stir also said the SG should be 0.090 i think thats what it said Im at work ...don't have ot in front of me..I appreciate all the help....

It sounds like you are right on track. Color & bubbles are where they should be (although don't always count on the bubbles - or lack thereof - as an indicator of fermentation). Relax and let it set for a week, then check the SG on day 6 adn 7 (or 7 and 8). If it hasn't changed, add your stabilizers & clarifiers per the instructions.
My only 2 cents is to wait the minimum number of days between steps. There are other things going on and we want to make sure the wine is ready to be stablized and fined. Remember2 things about wine making:

1. Wine making is the art of patience,
2. When making a kit wine, always, follow the instructions. Winexpert makes close to 1,000,000 kits every year; therefore, one must assume they know what they are doing, so follow their instructions.