Favorite Wine Making Books

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Senior Member
Apr 3, 2005
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I know Bert and I would be lost without our wine books and we certainly have our favorites. But we don't really know they'll be good books until we get time to read them. We're always looking for that next good read and we want to hear about other people's favorite books. Please share!

My favorites are listed here.

The Joy of Home Winemaking by Terry Garey (We just call it Terry's book.) This book covers a wide variety of aspects of winemaking, and is often written in a narrative form. She discusses successes and failures and keeps you from feeling like you're in over your head. There are some good pictures in it too. It has lots of interesting recipes and even gets into making liqueurs. If I could have only 1 book, this would be it.

Making Wild Wines & Meads by Pattie Vargas and Rich Gulling is my favorite book for meads. Beautiful recipes!
Edited by: PolishWineP
Other books that I have found very helpful, in order of recommendation, are:

Techniques in Home Winemaking by Daneil Pambianchi

Home Winemaking - Step By Step by Jon Iverson 172 pp.

Complete Handbook of Winemaking - by the American Wine Society, 225 pp.

From Vines to Wines - The Complete Guide to Growing Grapes and Making Your Own Wine by Jeff Cox, 256 pp.
I swear by C.J.J. Berry... Sorry, it's out-of-date and it's probably not that great in method, but it's just the greatest book I've ever seen.

I have the CJJ Berry too. I feel like I am reading something I dug out of a musty old antique shop...but I like it too. The pictures are ancient!!!

I too, like the Berry book. I think some of the items in the pictures are now considered antiques!