WineXpert Elcipse Sonoma Valley Pinot Noir

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Hey Thanks John!

Very excited to read your thoughts. I am already thinking I should pick up another one of these and get it going now. LOL ;-)

So, can you explain to me in stupid terms, what you mean when you say "short on the finish"?!?!

sorry, trying to learn the lingo. lol:h

The finish is the lingering taste and aroma after you have swallowed the wine, it moves to the back of your mouth, you can almost smell it through your mouth. That sound odd, but that's my description.
Ok, a couple things real quick...first, here is a picture of the hydrometer and the SG (im still not sure how to read these)


If I am reading this correctly, I should finish around 13%, yes?

I started this on April 3rd.... and I was not seeing any action in the airlock around bed time on April 7th...Neither did I see any on the 8th...or the 9th. So on the 9th around 8pm....I transferred to secondary. Low and behold the morning of the 10th, I had action in the airlock again! and today is the 12th...and im STILL seeing a pretty good bit of bubbling from the airlock.

I have not checked the SG again (because as stated, im not comfortable that I can read that properly yet but im working on it! ;-) )

just wanting some thoughts on this. I DID add 2 cups of sugar fully dissolved in hot water before pitching the yeast just to give a little bity bump to the ABV%. ;-)

the other the instructions say DO NOT top up...but I keep reading and hearing about "head space" hurting the wine. it looks to me like I have quit a bit of headspace! See here:


Thoughts, comments?
Ok, a couple things real quick...first, here is a picture of the hydrometer and the SG (im still not sure how to read these)


If I am reading this correctly, I should finish around 13%, yes?

I started this on April 3rd.... and I was not seeing any action in the airlock around bed time on April 7th...Neither did I see any on the 8th...or the 9th. So on the 9th around 8pm....I transferred to secondary. Low and behold the morning of the 10th, I had action in the airlock again! and today is the 12th...and im STILL seeing a pretty good bit of bubbling from the airlock.

I have not checked the SG again (because as stated, im not comfortable that I can read that properly yet but im working on it! ;-) )

just wanting some thoughts on this. I DID add 2 cups of sugar fully dissolved in hot water before pitching the yeast just to give a little bity bump to the ABV%. ;-)

the other the instructions say DO NOT top up...but I keep reading and hearing about "head space" hurting the wine. it looks to me like I have quit a bit of headspace! See here:


Thoughts, comments?

I can't quite see the lines, but it looks like you started at 1.096 or 1.098, it should finish off in the 13/14% range, it depends upon how low the SG drops at completion. Mastery of the hydrometer is important, there's a thread here which gives pointers. It's best to wait until the SG gets down to the recommended level before going to glass to complete AF. Can you get a reading for where you are now? It'll be easy for us to determine where you are. Post a pic if you want.

I suspect that you didn't see activity in your primary airlock is because your bucket lid wasn't airtight, if it's still going in the glass, let it go, oxidation risk is low while its actively fermenting and you don't need to top up at this point.
I can't quite see the lines, but it looks like you started at 1.096 or 1.098, it should finish off in the 13/14% range, it depends upon how low the SG drops at completion. Mastery of the hydrometer is important, there's a thread here which gives pointers. It's best to wait until the SG gets down to the recommended level before going to glass to complete AF. Can you get a reading for where you are now? It'll be easy for us to determine where you are. Post a pic if you want.

I suspect that you didn't see activity in your primary airlock is because your bucket lid wasn't airtight, if it's still going in the glass, let it go, oxidation risk is low while its actively fermenting and you don't need to top up at this point.

Thanks John! I will try to get another reading tomorrow and post a picture! Much appreciated! :)
thank you for the info. I hate that. why does someone just assume that if you asked for Coke, that they can give you a Pepsi instead?!?! he was the owner of the LHBS so im going to ASSUME that he knew what he had was NOT exactly what I was asking for...but instead, he told me "Sure" and put this stuff in my bag. now I have to find a place to buy what I wanted in the first place and order some!

FWIW, I am confident that either of these products would do your wine a good turn! I think either would be just fine.
I can't quite see the lines, but it looks like you started at 1.096 or 1.098, it should finish off in the 13/14% range, it depends upon how low the SG drops at completion. Mastery of the hydrometer is important, there's a thread here which gives pointers. It's best to wait until the SG gets down to the recommended level before going to glass to complete AF. Can you get a reading for where you are now? It'll be easy for us to determine where you are. Post a pic if you want.

I suspect that you didn't see activity in your primary airlock is because your bucket lid wasn't airtight, if it's still going in the glass, let it go, oxidation risk is low while its actively fermenting and you don't need to top up at this point.

Ok, you can see the starting SG above, and here is a couple pictures of where it is at now...


Ok, you can see the starting SG above, and here is a couple pictures of where it is at now...


Can't see the SG numbers, but I see your O% alcohol line on the first pic, which is the 1.000 line on the second pic, (the dark line between the green and blue shaded areas) so it appears that you are at 1.008, still have a little ways to go. I notice that there are bubbles on your testing vessel, which typically means that you're still producing CO2, still fermenting.

When the top of the blue shaded section is at the level of the wine, you will be dry, that reading will be .990. Not all wines will get to .990, but you should be getting down to at least .996 or lower before thinking about moving on to the next set of steps. Go ahead, keep your airlock on it and let the yeast eat as much sugar as possible. Keep us posted, with pics if you like, of your SG over the next few days, but all looks to be just fine.
Ok, you can see the starting SG above, and here is a couple pictures of where it is at now...


Can't see the SG numbers, but I see your O% alcohol line on the first pic, which is the 1.000 line on the second pic, (the dark line between the green and blue shaded areas) so it appears that you are at 1.008, still have a little ways to go. I notice that there are bubbles on your testing vessel, which typically means that you're still producing CO2, still fermenting.

When the top of the blue shaded section is at the level of the wine, you will be dry, that reading will be .990. Not all wines will get to .990, but you should be getting down to at least .996 or lower before thinking about moving on to the next set of steps. Go ahead, keep your airlock on it and let the yeast eat as much sugar as possible. Keep us posted, with pics if you like, of your SG over the next few days, but all looks to be just fine.

Hey John!

Thanks a lot! So right now, I am no longer seeing activity in the airlock. does that mean that I am not going to get down that low? or could it just be that because there isn't as much activity that the airlock may not show it, even though it is happening?

Hey John!

Thanks a lot! So right now, I am no longer seeing activity in the airlock. does that mean that I am not going to get down that low? or could it just be that because there isn't as much activity that the airlock may not show it, even though it is happening?


The airlock is an indicator, but your hydrometer is your guide, it will always tell you where you are, when read properly. Readings over the next couple of days will determine the fermentation activity.

Did you add the two cups of sugar before or after you took the photos showing your beginning SG readings?
The airlock is an indicator, but your hydrometer is your guide, it will always tell you where you are, when read properly. Readings over the next couple of days will determine the fermentation activity.

Did you add the two cups of sugar before or after you took the photos showing your beginning SG readings?

I added the sugar before pitching the yeast.
more to the point....

Yes, I added the sugar PRIOR to taking the picture of the SG.

Ok, update:

I do believe we have achieved goal.


I am going to go ahead and move to degassing and stabilizing!

Tasted it again tonight...surpisingly I liked it better just 4 or 5 days ago. Not because it wasn't completely dry then...but because tonight it seemed to have a bit of a thin/dullness to it that wasn't there just a few days ago. Not to say that it tastes bad...just less....robust.

I did order some Tannin Riche that should be here in a couple days...and I will add it. hopefully that will punch it up a bit. I know I know...its still very green and has a LONG way to go! ;-)

@starsfan, looks good and dry, right at .990, correct? If that's the case, and you don't intend to back sweeten, consider not adding the potassium sorbate during your next step.
Be sure you like tannins in your Pinots, go easy, you can add more over time if you like.
@starsfan, looks good and dry, right at .990, correct? If that's the case, and you don't intend to back sweeten, consider not adding the potassium sorbate during your next step.
Be sure you like tannins in your Pinots, go easy, you can add more over time if you like.

Hey John,

I wasn't going to add a whole lot of the tannins...just a touch. :)

the thing that is killing me right now is that I have felt the need to top up because there is a lot of headspace (and I have thieved a few samples as well). So im trying to decide in my head...if I really want to top up, and if I want to just go with a cheap bottle of Pinot Noir...or do I want to spend a little bit more to get a good quality?!?!

thoughts and comments are welcome!

Hey John,

I wasn't going to add a whole lot of the tannins...just a touch. :)

the thing that is killing me right now is that I have felt the need to top up because there is a lot of headspace (and I have thieved a few samples as well). So im trying to decide in my head...if I really want to top up, and if I want to just go with a cheap bottle of Pinot Noir...or do I want to spend a little bit more to get a good quality?!?!

thoughts and comments are welcome!


Agreed Steve, you can always add more tannins as you get a feel for your wine.

As far as topping, I always top up when fermentation is complete and after I add KMS, degas, clearing agents, etc. Your KMS will protect from oxidation for a bit, but I feel safer limiting head space as soon as it's practical. I top up with other kit bottles of the same varietal and similar quality, if available. If not, assuming you're just topping up a bottle or two, the topping wine will have little effect on the overall taste of your wine, but I always skip over the lowest quality stuff for an Eclipse kit and get something I'd like to drink, and use that to top up with. Ultimately, there's no hard and fast rule here, go with your gut. I'd never top up with water.
...I always skip over the lowest quality stuff for an Eclipse kit and get something I'd like to drink, and use that to top up with. Ultimately, there's no hard and fast rule here, go with your gut. I'd never top up with water.

So, would you (or anyone else) have a great quality/tasting wine to use to top up this wine with?

I would use Smith and Son pinot. A decent wine for about 14.00.
I made this kit about a year or so ago. Letting it age some more in the bottle. no tweaks. I need to open a bottle to "evaluate' it. LOL, bakervinyard
Just bottled this about a week ago finally. It samples very well! I like it!

My biggest issue with it (and with my Shiraz but that was acceptable because it was my FIRST attempt at wine) that it isn't really a nice clear color. it looks slightly muddy. Not because there is stuff in it, but because its just darker then I expected. typically with a nice red, you can still see the bottom of the glass through the wine. and you cant really with my finished wine. beyond that, it has a really good flavor to it already. Although, I did do a CC Malbec that I think tops it. I really like this Pinot Noir...but I REALLY REALLY like the Malbec! ;-)
