Duck Dynasty

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Feb 9, 2010
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I am at great risk of taking up permanent residence in the corner for this one, so folks please be careful on how you respond...

I believe that Duck Dynasty is loosing viewership. Just a couple of weeks ago, Ms Kay admitting that her husband, Phil, cheated on her repeatedly and used to drink and take drugs. Quite different from the picture that is painted in the show.

This week it is Phil's Gay bashing in GQ magazine. Can't wait until next week to see what stunt they will pull.
I just googled that, really to bad cause it is my favorite show
(CNN) -- Phil Robertson, a star of A&E's "Duck Dynasty," has been suspended indefinitely after slamming gays in a magazine interview.
"We are extremely disappointed to have read Phil Robertson's comments in GQ, which are based on his own personal beliefs and are not reflected in the series Duck Dynasty," the network said in a statement Wednesday.
I've never watched the show but have seen some family members on TV interviews...

The news I heard this morning was about one of the folks quoting (or was it paraphrasing) Bible scripture. I'd have to have the context in order to judge for myself whether or not the person was "Gay bashing".
I do not agree with the guys comments personally but I hate to see it when someone speaks out with a politically incorrect statement and is ostracised for it and yet if it were an equally ridiculous liberal comment, he would be hailed for it.

Your opinion may differ.
I think they are becoming a little too "Hollywood" and think they may have hit their peak. As far as the comment Phil made, he does have his right to freedom of speech but when you becoming a celebrity star you need to watch what you say so you do not offend anyone. If you do not want to do that, then stay out of the limelight. A & E had to do what they did, if they did not, then they would have taken a pretty bad bashing. And we all know it is about the ratings, no matter what you do.
I agree olusteebus,

It is all a two way street. To think how many time this man must have been called a "redneck", but none of that seems to count.

On a separate note, this morning, the local radio station was making fun of Wayne Brady for not being black enough. They actually made fun of the fact that the man spoke intelligently and correctly and void of any "urban" accent. I felt bad for the man. Must be hard, begin first looked down on for being black, then being looked down upon for not "Being Black Enough". Both are simple forms of prejudice and made me very confused. Sometimes I guess that I just do not understand the day and age we live in.
I met phil in Shreveport,La.. in the early 80s, still have some of his first calls.I got to know him pretty well, myself and alot of folks would hang out ottos sporting goods during duck season, and compare notes.
He is no angel...for sure.....

I just saw where a school in conetticut will not allow a christmas tree are a santa clause picture on a school door for fear of a reprisal because some one else does not share the same belive...
I have never watched Duck Dynasty, nor will I.
I am just not a reality show person.
Football is reality enough.
So is watching my kids play!
I dont need manufactured reality.

That being said you, me and the fools who wish to be on TV have every right to say what ever you like.
Some may say you have a constitutional Guaranteed right to say what you will.
However when you are an employee of a Network your actions have Financial consequences and actions must be taken by said network to save face and keep sponsors from running away.
You can say what you want (accept fire in a movie theater) but others have the right to counter and oppose your opinions.
Makes me think back to the good old days of the Dixie Chicks catching flak for announcing thier embarassment that GWB was from Texas.
that is tame in todays day and media!

That being said my own thoughts are- why does anyone care what some bearded guy has to say about how he interprets the bible? About what he feels is immoral?
I have read the book many times and have many issues with the Bible.
As a person who is not a "bible thumper" not like the Duck Dynasty guy, I have issues with people who use the bible to say Homosexuality is immoral,
yet nothing of women being subserviant
"I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man. She must be quiet." (1 Timothy 2:12)"

"Wives should be subordinate to their husbands as to the Lord." (Ephesians 5:22)

How about Slavery---
"Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse." (1 Peter 2:18)"

You cant use the good book just to back up 1 of your views and discount the rest of it!

I prefer when people allow people to live thier lives.
I dont need an Adulterer to give me a lecture on morality!

I will now get off my soap box and get back to wine making.
it is a show centered around a hick named phil robertson...are use to be a hick, now he is a rich hick...
phil started out years ago making a duck call, called duck commander..and it was excellent, still is.
he was broke for about the first 7 years until cabellas gave him a contract to make about 50,000. all started there.
he started making duck hunting videos and selling, etc now we have duck dynasty.....
This cracks me up, the network goes as far as possible to show how much of a "redneck" these guys are, and now they ditch him because he speaks his mind.
I'm not going to try to justify it, he may have been spared if he would have been just a tad more politically correct, maybe he should have said "if sex is a pain in the arse, you're doing it wrong".......LMFAO

Disclaimer: I apologize if I offended any folks of the same sex persuasion or folks that are into that kind of stuff, this is just my opinion and not the opinion of wine making talk or any of its owners, mods or anyone else I may be forgetting. ;0)
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I haven't read the interview yet and just might not. They were talking about it on the radio this morning. There were other comments made which seemed to link homosexuality with bestiality and some other things.

I do have problems with that, but it is about what I would expect him to say. I watched the show a few times early on and find no reality to it. Lived in New Iberia, LA for a bit and found the swamp people to be very country smart.

These guys seem to do dumb just to be dumb. Of course I don't watch many fake reality shows.
A recent poll say 70% of the population still believes in Christianity. So to the 30% who don't believe, this guys are wrong and their opinions are based on hatred.

It all depends on which side you believe in.

I personally do no believe in being PC and if you don't like it then oh well. This PC crap has just gone way too far.

But for me, I don't like having homosexuality pushed downy throat so am I homophobic? Nope, just don't care about what they think.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion be it right, wrong, or just stupid like in Hollywood.
All I will say is that I apply the Wal-Mart test to any reality show. Try it: If you go to Wal-Mart and all you see is merchandise about the show, its half-life is about over. Monster Garage started me watching this trend. It was true then. Then came American Chopper. Now Duck Dynasty.

Makes me glad I pulled the plug on cable almost a year ago.

Oh, and I agree it is a totally planned "controversy." Phil has been on You Tube videos for at least a couple years saying the same exact things.



I feel sorry for people who allow themselves to be drawn in by this stuff and used.

As far as what he said, it doesn't amount to a hill of beans in the grand scheme of things.
Very true.

There had been many wars and life's lost because of opposing beliefs.

That why my opinions and beliefs are mine and I don't care what others may view as these opinion are mine and were shaped through my childhood and experiences.

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