Drinking the new wine

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From your picture your wine looks carbonated. The "tang" may be partially coming from that, also, I've noticed a younger wine seems to have a twang to it until it ages properly. How old is the wine in the picture?

If you let us know the ingredients you used to make your wine it will be easier for people to comment on your "tanginess". (ie. did you add extra sugar to up the starting SG?)
As already mentioned, it depends on the wine you are making.

Wines along the lines of Welchs, Dragon Blood, etc. are more than ready to drink at the 3-4 month mark, and don't gain much by aging past that.
Big reds like Cabs, Zins, Merlots, etc. can use at least 12-24mos. before reaching their prime.
T'ej, which is an Ethiopian wine, can be drank right away.
From your picture your wine looks carbonated. The "tang" may be partially coming from that, also, I've noticed a younger wine seems to have a twang to it until it ages properly. How old is the wine in the picture?

If you let us know the ingredients you used to make your wine it will be easier for people to comment on your "tanginess". (ie. did you add extra sugar to up the starting SG?)

I took the picture just after I had put the wine into bottles. It does look carbonated, but I think it is simply not completely done fermenting. It seemed to me that everything had stopped, and the SG hadn't changed for several days, so I don't know why there is still activity. Maybe you can tell me? The "tang" is there still, 3 months later. I did add sugar to up the starting SG, and of course the wine yeast. According to the chart, I should now have about 12% alcohol. Is that a pretty sure thing? Thank you for helping.
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I took the picture just after I had put the wine into bottles. It does look carbonated, but I think it is simply not completely done fermenting. It seemed to me that everything had stopped, and the SG hadn't changed for several days, so I don't know why there is still activity. Maybe you can tell me? The "tang" is there still, 3 months later. I did add sugar to up the starting SG, and of course the wine yeast. According to the chart, I should now have about 12% alcohol. Is that a pretty sure thing? Thank you for helping.

What was your ending SG?
Did you backsweeten, and if so, did you use sorbate?

If down in the .990's then I would think it may not have been degassed all the way.
If not in the .990's, your backsweetening may have restarted some fermenting.