Do you need special grapes/juice to make Ice wine?

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Senior Member
Oct 22, 2010
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Do you need special grapes/juice to make Ice wine?

Or can it be made from regular grapes.
yes but I doubt you can get them. grapes are left on the vine till it get below ZERO for a week min. Then they are picked frozen and pressed that way.
If you want to make ice wine there are a few kits that wil work.
yes but I doubt you can get them. grapes are left on the vine till it get below ZERO for a week min. Then they are picked frozen and pressed that way.
If you want to make ice wine there are a few kits that wil work.


I;ll check out the kits.
Like Tom said the grapes are picked when they are frozen. Your choices are either ice wine kits or from a winery that sells late harvest juice.
True ice wines are made only from frozen grapes left on the vines to freeze. The freeze thaw process results in a concentrated juice with accompanying sugars and flavors. Then around late year they are harvested in a frozen state (nice warm fingers are a dream). They are pressed while still fozen, yielding very small amounts of juice. That is one reason they are expensive to buy.

There are Faux Ice Wines, made from artifically frozen grapes or even concentrated but balanced juices as Tom and Dan elude to. They can make a really good wine, but still aren't a true ice wine.

In the future I may try for a real ice wine from grapes I leave out in the vineyard. I have one variety in paticular that should really shine in that role. I left a few clusters this year again and nibble on them evry once in a while and they are great.
A couple of years ago I was lucky to get 5 gallons of pure Ice Wine Juice from Canada. Boy was that good. I fermented and aged it over a year then bottled. Been ib "splits" for about a year now. May open one for Christmas
A couple of years ago I was lucky to get 5 gallons of pure Ice Wine Juice from Canada. Boy was that good. I fermented and aged it over a year then bottled. Been ib "splits" for about a year now. May open one for Christmas

5gal? That a lot for ice wine!
5gal? That a lot for ice wine!

Yes and No!! I made 7 gallons last year and I am making another 7 gallons this year. Being conservative I am making a $30.00 bottle of wine for under$1.50 not including the bottle. Seven gallons amount to (70) 375ml bottles. Between competitions and gifts, your inventory can be depleted quickly. My wife knows that is one wine she can not give out without asking me first only because I like to know who is getting it. If I don't hear any feedback they are shut off. As far as a few members from this forum who threaten to raid my cellar are always welcome to it (as long as they're female and follow Wades rule). :)
Wade is my mentor, my wife also knows she is not to rearrange any bottles in my cellar either. I am not controlling, those are the only to requests for her.