Did I ruin my wine?

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Senior Member
Oct 4, 2008
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Went in to check on my wine today and realized that one of the airlocks on a carboy had fallen out. Not sure how long it was like that, might have been weeks. Is it ruined? It was topped up to the neck like it should be. Thanks.
I'd say no ... what is it? White or Red? Kit or fresh? How old is it? How does it taste or smell? Is is protected with sulfites?
It's Red, I haven't smelled it yet (was in a hurry when I saw it), I did sulfate it on the last rack.
Your lucky it was topped up but it more than likely needs a top up on sulfite. You need to check that guy more often then every few weeks for sure!
Should be fine but like said above better add 1/8 tsp just to be safe.