Dego Red?

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Dec 3, 2007
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I always get Dego Red every year and was wondering what type of grapes it was made of and how it is made. Is it made the same as any other wine? Is it closely tested, racked, and aged like other wine? How is it so sweet? I'd like toattempt to make it sometime. If you know anything about Dego Red, i'd like to know.
Found this on the feedback page of the FVW website, so someone does make it.


Mr. Cornelius:

I meant to send a note earlier to say thank you and let you know that everything was delivered on time - as promised. I got your information from WineMaker magazine and I now have you bookmarked for all my wine making supplies. Although I married into the family - I took over the family wine-making duties from grandpa who came over from the "old country" in the 50's. I was fortunate enough to learn from him a few years before he passed away (at 90). I produce just under 100 gallons of dego red (a blend of red zinand carignane) from Napa Valley grapes every year -which keeps everyone happy and healthy. I'd like to try aging 10 gallons in an oak barrel this year so I'll be placing another soon.

Thanks again!

Bill - Michigan
Dago, is a derogatory term of Italians much like pollock for a polish person. Dago red can be just about anything I know some people use muscat or niagra and blend with a red.
there is no such wine as dego red,that term was an american restructuring of what an itialian wuold speak,when my people came to this country they made wine when they could an when probisition hit they made it as fast as they could,even in bath tubs in the tenenaments,there was a demand for the brew and supply was short,so right after fermentation they would ship it out in any container they could use,people would go from the maker to home with a pot of wine,they would ask how old is it and get a reply a day ago,get it ,and laught,get it a day ago,say it fast but with an itialian accent//
Northern Winos said:
Dego wine??? Perhaps Scotty might know.

I no no noddinga

i think that sangeovese is a good italian style red.

AND It's daygo. "I work for one day and i go" In order to be sure they got paid for each days work.

WOP means with out passage

And all crime organizations are not the MAFIA.
Debbie could qualify for the mafia but i dont.

We dont eat spagetti every day and my father was a blonde with freckels who couldnt take much sun

Any furyher inquiries shoul be directed to debbie.

Hey guess what . laugh at me now. Debbie is on the smoking meat forum

She goes under djdebbie and can cook and brew circles aroun most of us folks

It's daygo. "I work for one day and i go" In order to be sure they got paid for each days work.

So, that's where that expression came from...always wondered about that.

I like Chianti...would someday like to make a batch of that.
My grandfather made wine. I'll bet it was called daygo vinegar though.
Terrible stuff.
I have surmised from what folks say on the FVW that his barrels were contaminated.

Maybe too dry for a young boy but even his children hated his wine.
Thats a new spelling to me but when I was youngmy redneck neighbor always called me dago and his wife would get pissed at him, I didn't have a clue and besides they were cool neighbors they hadsquirrels and rabbits and birds in the house .And I can also remember their garbage cans being full of maddog 20/20.
bonvec said:
Thats a new spelling to me but when I was youngmy redneck neighbor always called me dago and his wife would get pissed at him, I didn't have a clue and besides they were cool neighbors they hadsquirrels and rabbits and birds in the house .And I can also remember their garbage cans being full of maddog 20/20.

First time i traveled south we stopped in the carolinas to eat. ((I was 13 years old)

The menu had daygo salad on it. We laughed but back in brooklyn that would have broughy you a real beating.
actully scotty it meant without papers,WOP,people came into this country without proper papers, from a sponscer here they had a very hard time of it,not like today,
specializing in wine for the un sophisticated. well said,thankyou,andy,kissimmee bootleggers
joeswine said:
actully scotty it meant without papers,WOP,people came into this country without proper papers, from a sponscer here they had a very hard time of it,not like today,

Yes. I remember now. Its been a long time since I heard the topic discussed

Our people still have a great deal of resentment fo the entitlement programs of today that freely give $$ amd health benefits to so many un deserving folks. My grandparests and parents took nothing for free.
I even get quite annoye at the term latino when it is on some sort of application.
I once checked yes to it and was told that I was not a latino.
Strange business lolEdited by: scotty
andy123 said:
specializing in wine for the un sophisticated. well said,thankyou,andy,kissimmee bootleggers

I love kissimee. Almost moved there 22 years ago.
I still crave the fishing I never got to do in the lake.
I'm with you, Scotty. All four of my grandparents moved here from Greece as married adults between 1916 and 1919. That makes me "white."

If they had moved to Argentina, had my parents there, and then moved to the US in the '20s I would be "hispanic."

Go figure.
PeterZ said:
I'm with you, Scotty. All four of my grandparents moved here from Greece as married adults between 1916 and 1919. That makes me "white."

If they had moved to Argentina, had my parents there, and then moved to the US in the '20s I would be "hispanic."

Go figure.
I was never treated as white when young. I actually dont like saying it.
I actually am quite dark except for my butt lol lol
The florida sun and my motorcycle riding keep me looking medium toasted

yaozooo and opa\\ pete
My father in law always made wine around Christmas and he called it "dago red". He came from Sweden!!!
hannabarn said:
My father in law always made wine around Christmas and he called it "dago red". He came from Sweden!!!

They made that from fiskbullar and red food dye
Actually there is another bullar but I can't spell it. It was Shiutabullar or something like that. My wife is the swede. Anyway the wine made the lutefisk taste better. Not good but better!!! He also used it to make Glugg!
I am German/French-Canadian...I have been called lots of things.

Why do they call French-Canadians...Pea-soups??? I love pea soup.