Cranberry Lime Skeeter Pee

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Dec 28, 2009
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Well, I started this a while ago (month or so) and 2 days ago I stabilized and added Sparkoloid. It's clearing nicely, slow, but nicely. I'll let it clear completely then back sweeten with the 4-5 cans of cranberry concentrate. Once that settles out I'll filter and bottle. I'm guessing that will occur so that it is ready for Memorial Day.
I'm approaching the stabilize/back sweeten stage of my SP as well. Would it be better to add the concentrate first, then add the clearing agent since the concentrate will cloud up the SP anyway?
My lemon\lime\cranberry has been fermenting for 25 days. Still foams up when stirred. SG 1.030. This has been the longest fermentation I have ever had.....
I have another batch about to start. I bottled the last 30 btls. and I know they won't last long so I thought I'd be preemptive. I add the 4 cans of concentrate (5 gallons) after it is cleared. It does cloud a bit but settles out soon afterwards.

You are trading sugar so it probably doesn't make a difference if you add the sugar first, then conc. after or swap out the concentrate with some sugar.

I just know 20 cups of inverted sugar ferm. dry, clear then add 4 cans of conc. puts the taste just where we like it. 1.010
We add the cranberry concentrate to our lemon/lime pee after clearing. The slight clouding is offset by the nice red color and it eliminates a few of the days waiting to bottle.
I did an initial rack off the lees from the sparkaloid over the weekend. Very little sediment transferred. I then back sweetend with 6 cans of cranberry concentrate and 1 1/3 cups of sugar. I have to say this is out of this world. I can see why Steve's wife didn't want to share.
This morning I learned that the ants had found my fermenting skeeter pee. They were circling the bucket like a herd of Indians attacking the wagons.

Some had even infiltrated the lid perimeter. I took a cookie sheet with a lip on it and sat the bucket on it and added some water to the tray. Now they will have to swim to get it.

I just hope they wern't carpenter ants and are now building an Arc.
This morning I learned that the ants had found my fermenting skeeter pee. They were circling the bucket like a herd of Indians attacking the wagons.

Some had even infiltrated the lid perimeter. I took a cookie sheet with a lip on it and sat the bucket on it and added some water to the tray. Now they will have to swim to get it.

I just hope they wern't carpenter ants and are now building an Arc.

Were they marching in a straight line to the SP and then weaving all over the road on the way home? I've never had ants attack anything fermenting before. I did get a few of them little buggers in the wine room once when I spilled a few sugar granules. Once they find you, they can be pretty persistent.
I like the "moat" idea... wish that worked for fruit flies!! Once they are around in the summer... oh man!!

I checked several times today, the ants didn't come back. Guess they never learned to swim.

Lon, the ants were not staggering away, they were not even leaving. Some even sacraficed themselves in the pee.

Doug 6 cans of concentrate and sugar, wow that has to be sweet.
I so want to try this one, but I can't find plain cranberry concentrate... What I did find (and bought) was 2-cans Cranberry/Pomegranate (all they had) and 2-cans Cranberry/Apple...

What do you think, will this work for the Cranberry Lime, would you use them together or should I keep looking?
Linda you could use what you have but if you can find four cans of cranberry I know you would love this.

All I can find and what I use is the Old Orchard Cranberry Blend. It's in the freezer section with all the orange and lemonade cans. Old orchard is very popular but any brand should be fine.

The label says it's a blend of cranberry and other flavors. Mot a 100% cranberry. Gotta watch out for the cocktail juices they are all sugar.

Maybe google old orchard and see where they are sold in your area.

This one has had such great reviews. People literally drink the whole bottle themselves. It's light alcohol and just right.

Let us know when you find the juice.
Three weeks and four stores later I finally found the Old Orchard Cranberry Blend at Meijers - Yippie!! Really looking forward to this completing - practically have to put my first batch of SP under lock & key it is so popular!
I have 5 gallons mostly cleared now. Tomorrow I'll rack off of the sediment and add sorbate. The few pulp floaties will fall over the next few weeks and then I'll add the cranberry, let that settle then bottle.

It is going really fast now that the word is out.
I substitute 1 bottle 32 ounces of lemon for same amount lime. After it's aged a bit and cleared I back sweeten with 4 cans of frozen juice concentrate. You pick your flavor. Let it settle rack and bottle.
I substitute 1 bottle 32 ounces of lemon for same amount lime. After it's aged a bit and cleared I back sweeten with 4 cans of frozen juice concentrate. You pick your flavor. Let it settle rack and bottle.

Is that for a 5-gallon batch?
Yes it's Lon's original recipe for 6 gallons so in the end you have 5+ gallons. Instead of 3 lemon btls. use 2 and 1 lime.
Thanks, I was also intrigued by the talk of adding the cranberry concentrate to the skeeter pee.