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I use a few crates for odds and ends...I put a short piece of scrap 2 X 4 under the front of the the crates are really tilted back...the corks are wet.


I put a few of those Burgundy bottles in there too...the bottom row is out front more, the next row a little further back as is the next row....they aren't going anywhere.

I am aging a few cases of wine in cardboard boxes....on a wood palate on the cement floor...our basement dry and we run a dehumidifier, but I was concerned about the cardboard drawing moisture...guess time will tell.Edited by: Northern Winos
Just thought I would show you what I am going to utilize for storage whenI get first batches done. Thegentleman I bought the house from was a wine and beer maker and he left behind a wine room of sorts for me. I at first wasnt sure ifI would ever use this room but now I am glad its there. The clay molds aparently keep the wine at an optimum temperature of about 54 degrees.I stucka few empties in there for my friends to comprehend what I meant untill the batches are ready to bottle.

I will add a new post with all the pics soon wade, It still need some work but in time I will make it work for me lol
If I wanted to search for those clay molds, any idea on what I would use as key words?
How about drainage tile? They used to be made by the millions and installed end to end to provide drainage. Now most people use the black plasic tile with slits in the corrugations. I bet they are still made and if not there must be lots of it left over.
Just did a quick search and look what I found. They even make special stackable ones as wine storage.


I want one of those!
Edited by: appleman
I have some potential with all of my terracota clays, I am glad you showed me that picture apple. Ill start my thread about my wine room soon so I can get some more ideas about how I could utilize what I have from freinds like you!!! The clays thatI have are 6 sided the same as these in the picture so Im sure I could stack them a little neater!!
And possibly build them into a case like that for a couple of hundred dollars of nice wood. They are also mold free yahoooo
Edited by: Trigham
My LHBS sells them but dont know the price. I love that picture you posted apple.
bmorosco said:
sliding the bottles in and out ..will it scratch the bottles? Great Idea

I havent a whole lot of expereince with that, but I assume your possibly correct about the scratchy thing. I would assume that a small liner like the non slip stuff they mentioned earlier in the thread could be cut up to cover the bottom of the clays and that would protect the fine artwork that home vinters put into thier fine labels
This is why I love this forum, the interaction between all of the members keeps us striving for perfection and ultimatley no failures!!
I'm glad I found that picture also. I have plans for a bar in the family room and on the other side of it there is a perfect alcove for making a similar storage. The cabinet doors for the storage wouldn't be hard to make, but I might just do the stacked tiles with hardwood casing aroung them. My room is 13x25 with the entertainment center on one end.
It's been one week with my bottles in the basement in the plastic cratesand they are still where I left them, no sliding. Peter I know what you are talking about with that carpet edging with the small nails sticking up. I never thought about that, and you are right I did have them up against the wall. I still plan on doing something just to satisfy myself with one of the suggestions given on this forum. Thanks everyone!
I like the clay single holders too! Those would be awsome.
oh, oohh......oh!!! This isn't a thread about corks? It's about bottle storage? I wanna play!!!



OK, it's not much. Gee, this seemed like such a great idea up until now. Possibly something to do with the port I'm drinking on an empty stomach......ya think?

One thing leads to another trashy,corks, to bottles, to storage, to........,and your wine rack, is what I started out to get, but have never gotten around to getting one nor building one.
Big score at the local thrift shop. Rich folks around here throw this
stuff out when they get custom work done, but its just fine for me.
Each cube holds two cases. You may have noticed the fermenter back in the dining room. Just until the racks get full. ;-)


Edited by: Mike777