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Jan 28, 2007
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I have ANOTHER problem.
The corker I have is one of these portable jobs, with handles to put #8 corks in reg. wine bottles I got from finevine wine. Or George, Whichever u prefer Pete.
I soak the corks in camdan water. Or potassium metabisulphite. Whichever u prefer Pete.
The corks will only go in half way. Is this okay? Badhabit I had to joke with Pete a little.
Edited by: Badhibit
It's only ok if you only fill the bottles half way.

I've heard of people dipping their finger in vegetable oil and putting a minute amount on the corking equipment to make the corks go in easier. I have done this with bottles in the past, but found with a bit of practice it was not needed (and a better corker).

Does your corker have an adjustment nut on the top of it? the double lever corker I have has one, and when adjusted properly, it seats the cork very well every time (unless I fill the bottle to full). #9 corks have never been a proble to put in, as long as the corks are wet.

If you do have an adjustment, you can practice with one cork and a bottle filled to the proper level with water. If you don't get it right the first time, just pull the cork and re-use it, it's only practice. Good luck
750 ML scotty.Regular bottles from finewine. From whati`m reading on the forum. I guessI`ll have to get a bettercorker from George soon. Badhabit Edited by: Badhibit
Yep Jobe, Thats the kind I got. Once I was having so much trouble. Where you adjust the thing. It tore the thing apart at the threads.
Badhibit said:
750 ML scotty.Regular bottles from finewine. From whati`m reading on the forum. I guessI`ll have to get a bettercorker from George soon. Badhabit

I have a bottom end corker. Not adjustable. (( I dont like it))I had a problem
with corks not goin in all the way a while back. I think i was soaking them too long. I really dont remember but now i just dip them in sanitizer and fire away.
If you are filling them an 1 1/2" from the top and your cork is a 1 1/2" there is not enough room for the air to compress which will keep the corks from going in all the way. I usually fill mine so I will have about 1/2" or so between the cork and the wine.
I had one of the double lever non-adjustable corkers. I overfilled my first bottles and had the same problem. The next batch I left room for the air and put the bottles on the floor so I could put my weight into itwhile I corked them. It worked well for me,but I did upgrade to the floor corker.
Steve, I looked at my bottles. I also fill the bottles to where there would be 1/2 air space if the corks seated all the way. I DO SOAK the corks for a couple hours, not dip them? I even switched to a better cork from fine vine. Same thing? I`ll order me a corker.Maybe the floor model? But I think I would rather have the bench model, Which is not in stock now? Badhabit
Also, my corker is the double handle. But has a ajuster for depth. I have put enough pressure on it tosnap it in half where it ajusts.Edited by: Badhibit
Just an observation, but I had the same problem the first time I tried to cork a bottle. I decided to practice first on an empty bottle. The mistake I made, was that I was trying to insert the cork into the bottom of my hand corker, instead of into the port on the side. I broke two corks, trying to seat them before I realised my goof. I now soak my corks in hot water and give them a little helpdown the feed chute before I go to the bottle. I found soaking them in hot water made them slide right home with little effort. I then had to make small adjustments to the depth of the plunge. I hope this helps you or anyone about to do this for the first time. I'm sure all of those Xmas gifts are getting near bottling time.
Thanks, I have tried everything, But the oil thing. I ordered a floor corker from George. I think I need to recork the 15 gal. I have bottled, with the cork halfway. I have 6 gal. about ready to bottle. Badhabit
I think your problem is your filling them too much. You should
hace about an inch of ullage(headspace) between your cork and your
wine. What are you using to fill your bottles? I use the spring loaded
filler but I think most are the same. I fill with the filler all the
way at the bottom of the bottle until filled all the way up to the top
of bottle. When I pull the filler out it leaves the perfect amount of
space to cork and leave ullage. I noticed one time that I tried to fill
beyond that level by pulling the filler out and push it against the
side of the bottle and I could not get a cork in due to not enough air

Edited by: wade