cloudy apple wine

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Dec 22, 2011
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Does anyone know how to clear apple wine. It is not a pectin haze. I suspect it is due to the waxy apple skins. The wine tastes great but looks murkey.
have you degassed it or tried any clearing agents?
I was going to say try pectin enzyme but if it's not a haze maybe time and see if it clears. If it tastes good no worries.
Only pectolase. I am sure the wax on the apples has caused the haze ( I will peel them next time) and i need to know how to remove this specific haze. I do not want to throw loads of clearing chemicals at the wine which may not work. Has anyone found the best clearing agent for a wax haze.
I just cleared mine with super kleer. Most dropped in two days(racked). The rest is still dropping. Should be sparkling in less than a week.
IMO superpower and sparkaloid are the best out there. I use superpower when I have a wine that won't clear on it's own and in all my years I've only had 1 wine that wouldn't clear and in that case filtering was the only thing that worked. It was a peach wine that was hazy like yours!
If it's not a pectic haze, I'd use sparkolloid. I have 1 out 3, 5gal. apple wine carboys that has not cleared as well as the others. At only 4 months old I'll wait another 2, but if it doesn't clear by then I'll hit it with the sparkolloid, it's always done the trick in the past. I have also [like Wade] used it on a stubborn Peach Wine. Again it was only 1 out of 3 carboys, sometimes I think it's the last carboy that was racked off the bottom of the 3 primaries is the hardest to clear. I usually rack 1/3 of each primary into 1 carboy. May change system so the bottom of 1 primary only goes to 1 carboy with a middle 1/3 & a top 1/3 of the others. Roy
Thanks for the advice- I will try and get hold of some Sparkaloid although I am in England and this may be difficult. Nice to talk to you all- I have been making wine since I was 12 (I am now in my 50s) but this is the first forum I have joined!
I made an apple from cider last fall. It would not clear. Finally I added sparkoloid & with in 2 weeks it was perfectly clear. I racked, waited 2 more weeks & bottled. It's amazingly clear.

Hi - I am a scientist and I think my cloudy apple wine could possibly be caused by ursolic acid which is found mainly in apple skin. This has a negative charge. It seems that Sparkaloid is positively charged and so this should precipitate out the ursolic acid. I managed to get some Sparkaloid on ebay and I will give it a try as soon as it arrives.
Let us know the outcome! Superkleer just so you know is both neg And pos charged so works on both particles but I've heard that the sparkaloid has worked when superkleer didnt.