Chocolate banana wheat

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Aug 6, 2010
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I'm looking to brew a chocolate banana wheat with real bananas. Has anyone ever used banana in beer? How much should I use to get it to carry the flavor through? I know a lot of wheat yeastproduce a banana and clove taste, I just want a little more real banana flavor to go with the cocoa powder I'm going to add. This could be terrible, so I'm open to suggestions before I just dive in. I'm looking at 3 lbs right now. Too much, too little? I'm going to put them in the secondary.
You have to worry about how much fermentable sugar this will add. I would think that 3 lbs is to much. If your sg is to high you may get stuck. Bottle conditioning will probably be completely out of the question and if so do you have kegging equipment for force carbonation? Hope this got to you on time
Thank you for taking a look at this for me. You were not too late, as I'm brewing a stout instead, while I try to figure this one out. That's a good point about the sugars and I will have to keep the SG low initially. I don't have the ability to force carbonate yet, but that is my next step in equipment purchasing. Why did I ever give away my Kegerator?! I'm an idiot! Thanks again for your help.
LOL... No big deal.....I cant even begin totell ya how many times Ive started something only to realize I dont have everything I need after!

I bottled it up today. I didn't use any bananas, just a teaspoon of banana extract and a hefty starter of WLP300. I bottled it with a few ounces of 99 Bananas. I let you guys know how it turns out in a week or so.