WineXpert Can I substitute yeast?

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Jan 22, 2012
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I have a Choc Rasp Port kit coming. Since it always comes with Red Star yeast, and in my opinion, doesn't work as well as EC1118, can I use 1118 instead? It seems to really work good with the new BF port kit. I've learned thru life that most "factory settings" are generic and open to tweaks. Can this be one of those opportunities? I'm not worried about warranties. I'm willing to try this if switching yeast doesn't matter.
If that is the yeast that you like, by all means substitute it!
I'm willing to try this if switching yeast doesn't matter.
Switching yeasts for kits, in general, does matter. You need to be sure that the replacement yeast is appropriate, ie can handle concentrates, doesn't require more nutrient/energizer.

Most of the time, people are trying to switch away from EC-1118 because it's the commonest yeast in kits.

In this case, I would not be concerned about switching to EC-1118. Probably wouldn't do it myself though.

PS just out of interest, Red Star is a brand (like Lalvin). Which Red Star yeast is included with this kit?
