Campden, sulfite & sorbte

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Bud you say your last post but your post here says its you first. I would suggest you get a book and look up the diffferance of each of them or use our search function.

He has 17 and ONE blog. Thats what U saw.
Campton is the same as k-meta powder but weaker and in tablet form. Its 5 tablets to 1/4tsp powder ratio
Sorbate is totally different
We here suggest you get ONE POUND of powder K-Meta
k-meta = potassium metabisulfite also known as Campden tablets in pill form. na-meta is sodium metabisulfite which can also be in pill form known as Campden tablets but usually not seen around here. These are used to sanitize your equipment at the raste of 3 tbls per gallon. You dont want to use campden tablets to make up a gallon of this solution as it would take almost 100 pills to do so. These are also used to stun the wild yeast at the very beginning of wine making before you add your yeast of choice to stun any wild yeast so that your yeast can take off. Wine yeast is much more tolerant of sulfites then wild yeast so while the wild yeast is stunned by the level of S02 wine yeast has no problem. When your wine is done fermenting these same sulfites (k-meta) is used as a anti-oxidant to protect your wine while its aging. Potassium sorbate is a yeast inhibiter and prevents your yeast from multiplying. You add this after yoiur wine has finished fermenting but before sweetening your wine.
Campden Tablets - Potassium Metabisulfite in tablet form which is used at the ratio of 1 tablet per gallon when adding to wine. Can be called 'NA-Meta'.

K-Meta – Is Potassium Metabisulfite(see below) Normal usage is 1/8 tsp to 1/4 tsp for 6 gallon recipe in must 24 hours before adding yeast. Add 1/4 tsp for 6 gallons after fermentation for preservation. Use 3 tbls per gallon of water for sanitization of equipment ( AKA Campden tablets in solid form)

NA-Meta - Is Sodium Metabisulfite. Normal usage is 1/8 tsp to 1/4 tsp per 6 gallon recipe in must 24 hours before adding yeast. Add 1/4 tsp for 6 gallons after fermentation for preservation. Use 3 tbls per gallon of water for sanitization of equipment ( AKA Campden tablets in solid form)

Potassium Metabisulfite – Added 24 hour before adding yeast. This is to destroy any wild molds and bacteria that may have been on the fruit. Also added after fermentation to reduce oxidation (which will affect the colour and flavour of the wine). Used in stronger doses with water as an equipment sanitizer.

Potassium Sorbate - Sometimes called "Wine Stabilizer", is added to finished wines before bottling to reduce the possibility of re-fermentation.

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