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Oct 13, 2012
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Hi, I'm an University student and I'm doing a research project about wine making in general and brettanomyces in specific... I didn't know where to put this so I did it in the general forum. I would appreciate a lot if someone could help me with some questions I have...

1) How big is the brettanomyces problem in the wine industry, financially speaking, in the US and worldwide?

2) Are the the current ways of preventing the apparition of brettanomyces effective? In terms of cost and efficiency.

3) How much is spent in the US in yeasts in winemaking?

Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Sorry you have gotten no responses. That is a very technical subject.
Actually, this is more of a commercial winery question than a home winemaker. You should search out the bigger wineries and send them an email with your question
Thanks! I know this question has to do more with commerce than with home wine making, but I was kind of desperate. Thanks for your responses anyways.

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