Bottle Storage.

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Senior Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Not sure what you guys do but I thought I would share.

So most of us need somewhere to store our bottles of wine regardless of if they are full or not. What I use are just the boxes that the bottles come in like when they go to stores. I get the boxes that have the dividers in them so the bottles dont hit each other. While the bottels are empty I keep the box standing up with the bottles upside down to keep all dirt and dust out. Then I fill them with my wine and after 3 days I turn the boxes on thier side which keeps the bottles on thier side and the corks stay nice and wet.

I use this box method for storage becuase I dont have any wine racks yet where I can store the bottles.

I use the box method to age some wine...Keeps the bottles out of sight and off the wine racks. Seal and label each box...I had been storing them in the downstairs of the house, in the guest bedroom...under the bed on the cement/tile floor....The boxes have now taken over one side of the guest bedroom...Guest don't seem to mind. We keep the floor heat turned off in that section of the lower level.

I had been 'putting away' a case of each batch...and wanted to keep them out of sight for a year...I am such a failure....Wasn't suppose to start to open any till December...I failed...but did pretty good.
I do the same with the boxes,and my rack was built to hold 36 boxed cases.I close the boxes,and lay them on there side to keep the corks wet,and keep the light off of them.I think keeping them boxed protects them more from temp.changes also.The only problem Im having is that my rack is almost full,and will be by the time I finish bottling.I did 30 bottles today.
Why do you turn them on their sides? At K-J winery all the boxes are inverted (upside down) to keep the corks wet and you can stack them without fear that the box might crush. I've seen them stacked three pallets high, which if I remember right is about 12 box/cases (each pallet would be stacked 4 high)
If I were stacking them,I would but my shelf has compartments that hold 2 cases each,and it makes getting a bottle out easier.
SCUBA//if I may- if room is a issue than it is what it is,milk crates are better,if you can for a minute think that a box is made of cardboard,cardboard holds grains of moisture,moisture holds micro-organiziams,mold,now if you use seals on your bottles it helps but if you don't then the mold attaches itself to the corks and can prove infectious to the wine ,of course it all depends on the ambiemt conditions of the space the wine is in but be aware it can happen