Blind taste test

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Senior Member
May 8, 2017
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So we had a few friends come over and i decided to give my wine a go. I had a box of copper moon pinot gris in the fridge so i grabbed a bottle of RJS pinot gris, the cheaper 10L kit from the rack and poured each of them a glass of each without telling them which was which. 4 for 4 of them chose the rjs pinot gris over the copper moon. #winning
So next my plan is to try a higher end kit wine vs a higher end commercial wine. I recently bottled a 16L Cru select new zealand sauvignon blanc, only been a month in the bottles, i figure a comparable wine would be a Oyster Bay Sauv Blanc as its a new zealand wine as well. Hoping to go 8 for 8.

There have been times where I had folks that were thinking about making wine ask me "can you really make a wine at home that is just as good as the stuff in the store?

That question always makes me laugh!
Yes! We can make wine at home better than commercial. We have done many blind tastings of Red Wine. Some of our fav commercial $10-14 Reds are Apothic Red, 14 Hands Cab, etc. our Reds usually beat these at least 3-1. Our older wines say 3+ yrs beat them hands down. So keep producing! Roy
I once had a blind tasting at a great Italian byob joint.

We had 6 people and I put my super Tuscan up against an $80 bottle of brunello.

After they tasted, I ask "which one do you like better" and without so much as a single word, they all pointed at bottle "A".

I then asked "which one do you think is mine" and without so much as a single word, they all pointed at bottle "A".

They were right.

I was nice to know that other people find my wine enjoyable just as much as I do. Ultimately though, it is MY tastes and MY likes that matter.
I once had a blind tasting at a great Italian byob joint.

We had 6 people and I put my super Tuscan up against an $80 bottle of brunello.

After they tasted, I ask "which one do you like better" and without so much as a single word, they all pointed at bottle "A".

I then asked "which one do you think is mine" and without so much as a single word, they all pointed at bottle "A".

They were right.

I was nice to know that other people find my wine enjoyable just as much as I do. Ultimately though, it is MY tastes and MY likes that matter.

Right on John. :h Arne.