Black Currant

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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
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I am in the final stages of a black currant wine base kit. I stabilized
it at 1.008 as the Vintners directions said. I added 2 1/2 tsps.
of potassiom sorbate and 5 crushed Campden tablets to my 5 gallon
mixture,but still have active airlock. Any recommendations.
Did you stir to remove CO2??? If not then you probably have CO2 coming out of suspension.

By the way, where did you find black current base??? I've been looking but haven't seen it yet.

Yes I whipped it with the degasser quite a bit. I bought at a wine
supply place.(Maltose Express in Ct.) Vintners Harvest makes it. It is
a 96 oz. can to make 3 or 5 gal. recipes it sells for about 34$. They
make quite a few other interesting flavors. I used the Red Star Cote
Des Blanc Yeast which is supposed to make a sweeter wine. I am just
being impatient or am I missing a step. Thanx.
Wade, did you dissolve the sorbate and Campden well? IF so, just give it a day or two and check your SG again. I think ole Paul, er uhhhh
"PETE" may be correct about the CO2 Edited by: Waldo
Thanks for the suport Wendo..uuhhh...Waldo

I'd say just give it a good stir and see if you get any more CO2, plus
that way you will also be sure that the potasium sorbate and campden is
well incorporated.

Welcome Wade,

I don't have the recipe to look at butit is quite possible the wine is still fermenting since with a SG of 1.008 thereis still somesugar left and unless the yeast has reached it's alcohol tolerance it will continue to ferment. Stabilizing with sorbate and sulfite will prevent fermentation from restarting but will not stop it.

Let it be for a week or so and then test SG again to see where it is at.

BTW George is now stocking the Vintner's Harvest Fruit Bases again.
It has already been 4 days now and I have stirred it a few times. The
directions told me to add these @ this point. I have heard others say
to stop fermentation out early as so to not produce a dry wine.Has
anybody else heard of this.
Stopping an active fermentation is very difficult and usually not the
best idea as far as I know. It is usually easier to plan on a certain
abv. and then sweeten after stabilizing. I have never tryed to stop. If
I want a sweet wine I use a yeast with a lower alcohol tolerance and
plan my sg. for extra sugar or let the yeast finish to dryness and then
stabilize and sweeten after.

I guess I'll just let it ferment out. Will I have to stabilize again?