Big batch of bochet

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Yeah, either that or frech because of claimed crembrule flavours. My mead is not old enough to either confirm nor deny this.
Bubbling away like crazy! Feeding ~3/4 t yeast energizer and 1 1/2 t DAP on day 1, 2, and 3, plus a 4th feeding when the sugar is about half gone. Whisking in oxygen about 3 X per day till it goes to secondary.
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Downwards, thats a lot of DAP, is that for 5 gallons or all of it together? Do you have anything like Fermaid to add instead that gives more complete nutrition to the yeast? WVMJ
T= tablespoon, t= teaspoon
I have something close to 14-15 gallons here, so I don't think it's a lot is it? I'm going by Michael Fairbrother's advice in a podcast I heard. I did it with my last mead and it finished in about 3 weeks from 1.100 to dry. That was my first mead, but prior to starting it I had been under the impression that they take a long time to ferment.
Don't have Fermaid, but if I replace my nutrient with that would I still need to use energizer too?

Also fermenting in a room that stays in the 60's F- hope that next weeks heat wave I keep hearing about won't mess that up.
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Using this document right here and basing it off of a honey must,d.eWU

I get that in general you should use 1.8g/gal fermaid K +.907g/gal yeast hulls + 2.72gram/gallon DAP during your fermentation up UNTIL the 1/2 sugar mark. So that means you could add half of the nutrient at the end of the lag and half at the 1/3 sugar break or you could add 1/3 at end of the lag 1/3 at the 1/3 sugar break and 1/3 at the 1/2 sugar break.. Just make sure you get the total dose you need in.... It works better if you add it gradually.. An illustration of the second case follows.

15 gallons of mead means that you need 27 grams of Fermaid K 13.5 grams of yeast hulls and 41.25 grams of DAP in your mead. If you break this up into three steps you will need to add 9 grams of Fermaid K at each step 4.5 grams of yeast hulls at each step and 13.75 grams of DAP at each step..

It is important to distinguish between DAP and Fermaid K they contain different nutrients that the yeast needs at different phases to insure a clean fermentation.

Do you follow what I have done? Also, Fermaid also recommends re-hydration in go-ferm prior to pitching the yeast. I converted from Kips to Grams that the document used to give a more convenient unit of measure.
Love it! Thanks, I will weigh what I've put in already and discount that. I will need to buy fermaid K. Is the yeast energizer basically yeast hulls? Never mind found it. "A blend of diammonium phosphate, magnesium sulfate, yeast hulls and vitamin B complex"
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No, I suspect they are different. I am not sure what your yeast energizer is made from. I would recommend going ahead and buying a big bag of fermaidK it is useful stuff. One thing to keep in mind is that these are only the basics of nutrient step addition.. More advanced techniques can be researched but this is the quick and dirty.
I weighed out my products and did the math, looks like I've put in 16 g of dap, where you are suggesting 13.75. I've done 4 g of energizer (which contains hulls) where you are suggesting 4.5. Only I did this in two steps. So, switching over to your numbers, I guess I'll call that 1 of 3 additions, and I'll just keep going forward with what I have. When yeast hulls and fermaid k arrive, I'll switch to those products.
Sound good?
Sounds like it should be pretty good to me. If you need yeast hulls in a hurry you can buy some bread yeast, mix it in some water and boil i for a bit for a nice yeast snack... (for the wine not you). Also, remember energizer is not just yeast hulls. It is yeast hulls and other goodies so keep that in mind for future reference.. Also, I would quit airating at the 1/3 sugar break because I think that is when the yeast quits using Oxygen after a certain point... But do some research on your own about that one because I am currently studying for my health physics final (;
Was at the grocery store yesterday, wandering the fresh produce I suddenly started thinking I'd done some of this bochet with fruit. Think of it, caramelize honey with apricot, or banana, or honey mandarins, or mango, or cherimoya etc.

Would that even be a bochet or melomel? Bochelomel.

1.080 today.
I imagine such things are possible. If you plan on doing that I would let it age in two different secondaries, one with the fruit and one without. That way you can have a nice side by side.
I have a Banana melomel-port, that i'll be bochet-ing part of the honey for..

It's a thought in progress as this point; i'll be buying the brandy and starting the banana soak here shortly
Yeah, I think banana might be really especially suited to it. Makes me think of bananas Foster. Even caramelizing fruit might be interesting.
I won't change any of this batch, but I do want to try something else similar soon.
Bochetomel, already trying to get it officially recognized. Cross between Bochet and Melomel. WVMJ

Was at the grocery store yesterday, wandering the fresh produce I suddenly started thinking I'd done some of this bochet with fruit. Think of it, caramelize honey with apricot, or banana, or honey mandarins, or mango, or cherimoya etc.

Would that even be a bochet or melomel? Bochelomel.

1.080 today.
We have an Elders Blood Bochetomel going right now, Bochet honey, dried elderberries, oak, a lot of good things mixed up in there including a vanilla bean. That might also go good in yours when its starting to clear in the secondary. WVMJ
Sounds good! I was actually given a great big bag of vanilla beans by a baker friend who said they were too dry for her to work with. They are dry like twigs no doubt, but they still smell amazing.
I've just read this whole thread, and I think I NEED to try this. I can taste all of the flavours in my head as you are both talking about it. And there are sooo many things you can do with it.

When Downwards mentioned Apricots it made me think about adding some of the apricot butter I make in the summer to the mix. You cook the apricots down until they get this amazing orangy-flowery-carmelized sugar taste - which sounds like it would go really well with this!

Keep us posted!
Funny you mention the apricot butter- I was thinking of a marmalade incident I had once where I overcooked it because it wouldn't thicken enough. It was never the right consistency, but the flavor was unreal, like an orange caramel. That's exactly what I'm envisioning for bochetomel, lol.
I'm thinking my first will be bochet honey with some dried apricots that I'll hit with the torch first. Maybe a small batch in case it isn't what I imagine, but then at least 5 gallons in case it IS!
What a wonderful hobby we all have.