Best Yeast to Use - Harsh Conditions

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Amateur Enologist
Apr 17, 2012
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Hi All,

Due to popular demand by my friends and family, I started a new batch of Apple Wine today. However, this time instead of using regular Apple Juice from the store, I came across some "Fresh Pressed" Apple Cider. The apple juice didn't mention any K sorbate in it, but the fresh apple cider does. Being that I've had relatively good success overcoming preservatives in my starting ingredients, I decided to take a chance at getting this one started. My question is, even with prior success, I've never dealt with starting up fermentation when my primary ingredient (~85%) has preservatives in it. My success (and only attempts) have been when a secondary ingredient had them.

What would be the best yeast to use to give fermentation the best chance at taking off? I've already mixed up the batch and doped it up on yeast nutrient, about 7 tsp for 5 gallon batch. I'm going to let it sit 24 hours to try and drive off the k sorbate and sodium benzoate before attempting to pitch my yeast. Currently planning on using K1-V1116. Thoughts?
I think you picked a good yeast. Make sure you start a small yeast culture and keep adding juice to it until you have about a quart of it bubbling away. Then add it to your batch.
Pitched the yeast today after starting a culture. The culture was foaming fairly well considering the preservatives in the cider. Will need to check on it in the morning for more activity.