any resolutions?

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Just me
Oct 24, 2012
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so is anyone here making a resolution? I've given up on them because I've never stuck to one yet :) :)

Make better wine.

Go snowboarding more.

Cook more. I love to cook and was doing a fair amount of it up until 2013. I need to figure out why that tapered off, and fix it. :D

The above aren't resolutions, but things I've said I want to do in recent months. So to answer your question: I have no resolutions. :)
I always made resolutions for New Years but I found when I did I never stuck with it, but when I just randomly resolve to do something I can generally stick with it.

Have you ever made a resolution that started Jan.1 and stuck to it?
My New Years Resolution is to exercise some (any amount is more), lose some weight, Work Less.

That last one will happen.

:) :)

I always resolve to exercise more but my wine making gets in the way .And I always figure lifting all these carboys should count for something
I realize that the question is really asked half in jest but to be serious for a moment, it seems that if you really want to make a resolution that you can live with the better way is to shape it more like a goal than a dream... So rather than say, "I resolve to exercise more" or "I resolve to lose weight" , recast the resolution and resolve to walk (or jog or cycle ) for 30 minutes a day, or resolve to eat ice cream no more than once a month... make the resolution doable and you can do it. Make the resolution quite finite and you can bite off as much as you can chew. But make the resolution into a mountain and you won't take more than the first step or two.
I am dead serious about this..I plan to eat more red meat,chicken,pork then last year....No more canned anything, no more cold cuts, and no more packaged anything.....Everything this year will be fresh, are as fresh as i can purchase from the store.
And i am going to make better wine.
I'm going to appreciate more: myself, my family & friends, my health, my home, and my job.

I'm also going to strive to be the person I like to think I am in my head. Generous, kind, funny, a helluva wine maker, and as skinny as I was when I got married :sm

Oh, and I'm also going to get back with the Orchestra. I've missed being away this fall!
well, what ever you do , never change that is by far the best smile on this forum....
What did you do with the Orchestra....hope not the cello....I like the harpsichord.
It seems every time I have made a New Years resolution, I forgot to follow through after a week. Now I just forget to make them in the first place.
well, what ever you do , never change that is by far the best smile on this forum....
What did you do with the Orchestra....hope not the cello....I like the harpsichord.

Funny guy. I get made fun of regularly by my family for my smile. :h

I play the bass trombone in the orchestra; have also played around with the cello, tried violin, trumpet, flute, piano (15 years).

I like music :) I'm sort of a 'Jack of All, Master of None' person.
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resolutions....naah, I never follow up on them

plans...yeah, gotta make some beer

I am dead serious about this..I plan to eat more red meat,chicken,pork then last year....No more canned anything, no more cold cuts, and no more packaged anything.....Everything this year will be fresh, are as fresh as i can purchase from the store.
And i am going to make better wine.

Good on ya James, if you need some receipes one good cookbook is called Stella's Kitchen. But still give yourself a cheat meal once per week just to keep the sanity!! Good luck to ya

No resolutions here just same ol same ol
ok so after all this joking about not sticking to New Years Resolutions , my husband is guilting me into making one.

So, in the New Year I will play my guitar more.( I kept using the excuse my music stand kept tipping over so he bought me a new one yesterday)

There you have it lol
I am going to lose 40, before I turn 40.
I am going to get in shape for my golf league (not much required there)
I am going to make a ton of wine,
but take a month off from drinking.

Spend time with kids, wife and blah, blah, blah, blah!
I settled on my new year's resolution after seeing an article in the paper with the headline "drinking wine can make you do silly things"....

So that settled it...

No more reading for me!
