Alternative to keisol and chitosan?

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Senior Member
Apr 5, 2013
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Is there an alternative for these additives? My was contaminated and i was wondering what i should do...... help:po
You can let it clear on it own. It just takes a long time. Gravity is the law of this planet. Everything will settle to the bottom in the end!
Is there an alternative for these additives? My was contaminated and..
what do you mean contaminated....
you mean the chemical was contaminated, are your wine..
James over time all wine will clear on its own. It all falls the bottom with or with our help. Nothing was contaminated!! Im not sure what you mean
Tess, his post

tommbomb: Is there an alternative for these additives? My was contaminated and i was wondering what i should do...... help

I am wondering if his wine was contaminated are his finning agent...
I dont know James. I was wondering why you where repeating his post!! lol You have been making wine a lot longer then I have :)
I honesty cant see it being contaminated from any fining agent I know of but Im still a newbie.
James, So how long do you think I can get by with that excuse? I wanna know?? lol.. Its still in the measurement's of months for me!! I say years. So Im good right?? Right??
I believe he is looking for alternatives =

egg whites
cold stabilization
and of course time
LOL, thanks guys.. I didnt want to tell this story but here it goes.

I got back home from camp last night and decided to rack my California North Coast Grand red. I usually keep the boxes that the wine came in inside the utility room and store the wine in the cold room in my basement. I used the vacuum pump to transfer a few times to help with degassing. As i went to retrieve my additives in the original box it came in i found a a dead freaking mouse ( pretty recent ) in the box, and actually in the plastic bag. The packages were sealed except for the keisol.... BUT NEEDLESS TO SAY, that box and all its contents got tossed the hell out. It was quite nasty to see. I have kmeta and sorbate and hungarian oak cubes so i can basically do the remainder of the kit. I think i will use the time method, but thanks for the insight. That damn mouse had me checking my whole inventory from bottom up, every carboy, jar of jam and salsa.. jeeez.
LOL, thanks guys.. I didnt want to tell this story but here it goes.

I got back home from camp last night and decided to rack my California North Coast Grand red. I usually keep the boxes that the wine came in inside the utility room and store the wine in the cold room in my basement. I used the vacuum pump to transfer a few times to help with degassing. As i went to retrieve my additives in the original box it came in i found a a dead freaking mouse ( pretty recent ) in the box, and actually in the plastic bag. The packages were sealed except for the keisol.... BUT NEEDLESS TO SAY, that box and all its contents got tossed the hell out. It was quite nasty to see. I have kmeta and sorbate and hungarian oak cubes so i can basically do the remainder of the kit. I think i will use the time method, but thanks for the insight. That damn mouse had me checking my whole inventory from bottom up, every carboy, jar of jam and salsa.. jeeez.

I use Sparkalloid, simply because Superkleer is unavailable at my LHBS. what is this shopping on the interwebs I hear so much about?

I have tried the egg white, but there was too much measuring and whipping. I prefer my egg whites on bagel with a slab of sausage!

I have a brand new bag of sparkalloid, but never used it. I used my AI1 pump to just degass and the batch seemed to clear nicely and quicker than when not fully degassed.

As much as sparkalloid leaves a wad of fluffy goop at the bottom, it does work.

Or if you are in a hurry just drink cloudy wine. There is no shame in drinking cloudy wine! :r