alcohol question

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just an oldman
Aug 5, 2010
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I've looked and have seen different opinions about how high the alcohol % can be reached naturally.
Question is say % is about 18% according to calculator if you add simple syrup once it's went dry will it ferment to dry again or will it just go so high then stop an if so it should be safe to bottle then right?? Trying not to add anything to wine other than sugar.
Not 100% sure - but if you ferment it to dry - add more sugar - you might have to add more yeast cells in that can tolerate a higher alc level. Some yeast cannot tolerate high levels of alc.

ICV K1V-1116 and EC-1118 tolerate up to 18%
My wife's grandfather gets his wine to about 24-25% - but i wouldn't recommend drinking it.

He doesn't use sulfites or any controlled yeast strain.

Grapes, water, sugar, and heat.
My wife's grandfather gets his wine to about 24-25% - but i wouldn't recommend drinking it.

He doesn't use sulfites or any controlled yeast strain.

Grapes, water, sugar, and heat.

Well I'm the same way I don't use nothing other other than sugar and water I'm not wanting it to ferment much more just wondering when it'll quit... as far as drinking his wine I'd love to try some LOL
Well I'm the same way I don't use nothing other other than sugar and water I'm not wanting it to ferment much more just wondering when it'll quit... as far as drinking his wine I'd love to try some LOL

You probably would like it - i have tried it - and lets just say it will keep you warm in the winter.

Increase the heat - that will keep the yeast active if you are wanting to fuel the fire.

If you are at a high enough % and adding sugar for sweetness - then you will need to stabilize the wine first - or it could start fermenting again.
Even if there is sugar still unconverted, the yeast will die, once the alcohol level gets too high for them to survive.

Trouble is, if kmeta and sorbate were not added at that point, the wine could still start fermenting again, under the right conditions or if accidentally introduced to a wild yeast that can take a higher alcohol level.

With that sugar still in the wine, you will have a non-dry wine. You could do a sterile filtration to remove all the yeast.

Other than sterile filtration, the only way to insure fermentation doesn't start again is to add kmeta and sorbate.

I hope I understand your question and that this helps.
I really dont think you can achieve 24-25% without using a distillers yeast or something to that nature and even with that yeast youd be pushing it. If a wine ferments to dry and you add sugar then its very possible that you could start fermenting all over again and at this pont trying to add another yeast with a higher abv tolerance would be the same as throwing that yeast in the garbage IMO unless you made a very good starter and slowly introduced that high abv wine into or else it would shock the yeast into submssion as it would not be acclimated to that abv thus pretty much killing it. The main problem with not adding sorbate is that this wine isnt stable and you dont know if you have exceeded the yeasts tolerance and that the wine can start fermenting agin at a later time in the bottle making foir a big mess. I will never understand why some people refuse to play i the safe way but to each their own.