alcohol percentage

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rottie6667 said:
Also if you want to make your wine alittle higher in alcohol how would you go about it. The kits i have made so far just don't seem to have the kick thatthe wine you would buy in the store's have. I drink mostly red wines Cabs, Merlot,and that sort of stuff.
I myself find the opposite. I find many have a bigger kick. We have been watching ourselves here as we have over did it a few times.

I think the point is that after a couple of glasses, the acidity in some
commercial wines, or maybe it's an overtaste, gets to you and you know
you've had a couple of drinks.

My experience of my wine (and I've only had mine, where are the free
samples George, or do I have to wait 'til May) is that the acidity is lower and
its slips down easy, maybe even too easy, hence the 'over did it'
I think you might be right on that Peter, that is what I think is the differance I'am missing between storebought and my own wine when I say it don't seem to have the same kick to it. Thanks for the thought.