Aging Question and Temp Question

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Jan 6, 2013
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My first gallon batch of wine has about one week left in the secondary. I am planning on racking in a new carboy in a week and plan on adding campden and potassium sorbate. I just ordered Sparkolloid to add to it also when I rack it. Can I add all these at the same time? And also do I need to reattach the airlock or can I just put a rubber stopper in the carboy, I ordered two that aren't drilled. I am planning on letting the wine age until March. That is when I am getting married.

My next question is I am wanting to start a Strawberry batch for my fiancee. We are remodeling our house and arent staying there yet, but I have the heat set on 65. Will that temp be ok to start and finish a new batch of wine. I am still living with my parents and they arent crazy about me making wine and all, so i would rather start the new batch at our house. I read on the internet that 65 degrees is slow fermentation.
I'm not fully following your first question, but I'll respond to the second. Clearly 65F is at the low end of fermentation temperature and you may have problems from a slow or sluggish fermentation. My suggestion is to find the warmest location in the house for the wine, perhaps near a heating unit. If possible build a small wooden box or crate for the wine and leave it near the heat.