Acidic Wine

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Oct 2, 2011
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Please Help.

We crushed today and measured the level of acid at .5% so we added 1tsp of an acid blend per gallon of must. We had 10 gallons of must so we added 10 tsp. Just tested the acid level a couple of hours later and and it is too high at 1%. What can i do to fix this problem?

If it was me, I would let it ride for a while, just get things started and check it again later. When everything gets mixed up it might change again, maybe for the good maybe not. Your local hbs can tell you what to lower the acid with, think it is chalk, but have not used it and relying on my not so good memory. Somebody else will jump in here and tell you for sure. Good luck with it, Arne.
I agree - just get the fermentation started - once complete recheck it.

If it is still very high - you can cold stabilize to drop out some TA crystals.

You can also add Potassium Bicarbonate to lower TA.

What are you making?
Wish we knew what you are making.

The TA will drop at least .1 during primary fermentation. Depending on the wine type, if you do a malolactic fermentation, it will drop at least another .1 and maybe as much as .4.

As you have already been advised, 1) go ahead and make the wine and recheck again after. 2) Cold stabilization will drop some of the excess acid.
When your adding any type of acid to a must its a good practice to calculate what you think you need, check your math again, then add 1/2 the amount you calculated then recheck the acid levels and see where you are before adding the rest. Quite often you will end up needing less than what you calculated.
Thnaks for all the responses everyone! Next time i will be sure to add 1/2 of what i think and go from there. It was the end of a long day of crushing the grapes, but i should have known better.

I am making merlot and a sangiovese/cab blend. This was the merlot wine that i added the acid blend to.
One more question, let both the primary and secondary fermentation finish before possibly cold stabilizing it or is the cold stabilizing done during secondary fermentation?
When your adding any type of acid to a must its a good practice to calculate what you think you need, check your math again, then add 1/2 the amount you calculated then recheck the acid levels and see where you are before adding the rest. Quite often you will end up needing less than what you calculated.

That is so true - I have learned that the hard a way a few times. I always add less than what i calculate.
You want to cold stabilize way down the road after its been stabilized and fined. This Winter will be the perfect time to let mother nature assist you.

One more question, let both the primary and secondary fermentation finish before possibly cold stabilizing it or is the cold stabilizing done during secondary fermentation?