9/11, never forget..how could we

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Cousin of Cthulu
Apr 2, 2011
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Still seems only yesterday it happened, watching the horror unfold on t.v. and my sister calling me telling me she could see the smoke from her work place...the horror was indeed real, we lost many that day. This is in honor for all those civilians and fire dept people and everyone hell this is for all us Americans that day....no matter how much we tend to divide ourselves diversify, single out and shun...its all pathetic, we need to realize we are all here together, it shouldn't have to take a tragedy such as this to make us realize that.

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I was driving to the office when I heard on the radio about the first plane hitting. I got to work to find everyone gathered in the break room watching the horror on TV. I think that most of us stayed there all day.

I will never forget!
Whats sad is it takes something like this to bring us all together and after today most will forget it once again till next year. I got a bunch of friends who work in FD's and are police officers so no way will I forget them.
Very nice Mikael! I don't think anyone will ever forget where they were, I was at work (in college), got back to the lobby of the dorm just in time to see the first tower fall. I don't think any American will be the same after that day, I still had tears in my eyes just watching the coverage this morning.

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