2008 bottling

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Nov 15, 2007
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this is what needs to be bottled next year,3gal.ice wine,3gal.chol.port,5gal. blueberry,6 gal chard,6 gal reseiling,6gal.stewbun,6 gal fracasti,6 gal.pino gris,12gal hermetage,12 gal rassberry,12gal blackberry,12 gal pino nior,12gal sharaza,
and then in april the clilean wine starts to flow////////
Nice list Joe. If you lived closer I could help you out with about 50 cases of bottles that I have......... all cleaned and de-labeled. I wish someone would think they were worth the trip to come and get them.
i GET MY BOTTLES FROM THE HYATT WEEKLY,KEEP WHAT I NEED AND SPREAD THE REST OUT TO OUR WINE CLUB WHEN I CAN,AS FAR AS MY SET UO IT'S AS GOOD AS I CAN MAKE IT HAVE ALL THE TOOLS AND TOYS ONE NEEDS IN THIS BUSINESS,my area is 10 by 30, oneside lined with stainless steel shelved rolling racks the other side has a continues counter top about 32inches high, rear back area 1 long stainless rolling rack shelved the front extends farther out with two skacking racks for pumps,corks and everthing you need to make and chemicaly treate wine and seal the bottles next is a stainless steel work table with bottom shelve,wash sink two different types of faucets,then the bottle washer which is a dishwasher set up to wash bottles internally,also 2 referigeraters 1 freeze and of course a stove for cooking,i like to cook,it also has uses why i makle simple syurp,extracts and just plain cook.i like my cave it's over all sg.ftis 1,000 lots of room for our monthly meeting and when i get tired of hearring the world i retreat down there,turn the tunes on or tv and work the wine or fall a sleep on the mitten,yes i love my cellar,what do you think
I 'll see if I can get it done soon.I did'nt want to sound conceeded or anything like that but I like my set up very much, you see all I do is work and make wine so I try to make my life fun by doing what I enjoy with all the bells and whissiles I can get ,it also helps stress
go away having your oun retreat
Thats not being conceded Joe, thats being Proud of your accomplishment!

All of us have our own set of circumstances as to what type and size of wine room we have, yet we all make wine....... some terrific, .........some not so good........ But we enjoy what we do.......

Please share.
OH yea I 've had some explosions with extracts,valcanoes of wine and some, only some mind you not quite right thats when I learned how to adjust flavor,complexity,mouthfeel and timing read a lot at winemakers mag,. some very good stuff in there mag.also belonging to our club with the quaility of some of the producers in our group helps.
whats in your room to bottle? Edited by: joeswine
"Show us...Show us"...."Us wants pictures"

We all love to see what can be done with time/space and funds....sometimes just time and space are the problem.

My biggest problem is space.
I"ll do my best as always,maybe after the rush we"ll do a wine exchange ,I,am sure you"ll like my wares what do you say
I would do that Joe. Just remember that wine must age, a lot of good folks here haven't been making wine long enough to have aged wine............


I say we set some rules up. I'll start:

1). If you say your going to ship wine - SHIP IT UPS.......... Well packaged.

2). The sender must send instructions with the wine telling the receiver when and how it should be drank. If the direction say age for 6 months, then you have to age for 6 month! If it says to drink chilled, then chill it before you drink it..........in 6 months.....etc........

Edited by: jobe05
first of all,I just did a wine exchange with people in this forum and sent mine to michigan,but didn't recieve any in return thats not even a concern,but I don't think and I can be wrong that you no me that well to tell me to shut up,I don't believe I have affended anyone in this forum in anyway,and I do what I say I ill do ,I don't make excusses for other people short comings ,I don't like this type of confrentation nor do I want any thats not what I was expecting in this forum if you can"t say anything constructive than I prefer you say nothing at all at least to me thank you///jp

That wasn't directed "at" you..... It's a rule for all, has nothing to do with you personally, and I didn't mean for it to sound that way, I apologize that you took it wrong. I have had instances on this board were they say they will send wine, and then don't. I think thats wrong, and they shouldn't partake in these events if they are not going to do what they say.

But that was not directed at you in any way, sorry you took it that way. If you ever have a question about something I say (wrong), Just PM me, I'll explane.

I also Edited my last post as to not have anyone else take it wrong. Again... sorry.

Edited by: jobe05
OK no problem ,after the new year if you would like I would like you to taste some of my product, ok the only rule applies at this end is that you enjoy my efforts//
Thanks Joe, I'm sure I or anyone else would enjoy your wines.
Edited by: jobe05
On the wine that I received by good old United States Government mail, and sent mine the same way both being received in good order, the maker of the wine included in his label the date the wine was started & bottled. I now know this wine has been in the bottle almost 8 mon. and as a fruit wine is aged very well and ready to drink. Doing just a bit of research tells me this wine should be served 57 to 59 degrees. Tomy Edited by: Tomy
Tomy: You are correct........ I guess I was setting rules for whoever gets my wine
Before Joan started doing my labels...... some got plain sticky notes with marker saying what was in the bottles, somedidn't get that...... I found a case that I forgot what was in it..... I open a bottle and it was the spiced apple wine. I made it last year specifically for a Christmas drink. Warm it up a bit and it's awesome..... I'm glad I found it.

Other bottles get a store bought label and a hand written date on it...... I should be ashamed of myself for telling everyone this....
I would love to be part of an exchange. However, most of my wine needs to age another six months.

I'm the only person I know in my area that's doing this soI have no chance to compare my efforts with the efforts of others.

A swap sounds fun.
what part of the country do you hail from?
sorry didn't read down far enough.
Edited by: joeswine