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Feb 1, 2006
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I'm getting ready to bottle a WE Riesling and think I may have made a mistake. I let it clear for the 14 day period and then siphoned into another carboy. I picked up some sediment in the siphoning and am waiting to see if it will settle out. I added the metabisulphate and sweetend with dissolved sugar. Can I leave this in the carboy until it settles before bottling?
Yep - that's what I'd do. Let it (the sediment) settle back down and bottle. Or, if you want to be extra careful, let the sediment settle back down and rack to another clean carboy. That way, ifyou bump the racking cane again and pick up sediment, you aren't bottling cloudy wine - rather, you'd just have to let it settle out again.
akaudigger said:
I'm getting ready to bottle a WE Riesling and think I may have made a mistake. I let it clear for the 14 day period and then siphoned into another carboy. I picked up some sediment in the siphoning and am waiting to see if it will settle out. I added the metabisulphate and sweetend with dissolved sugar. Can I leave this in the carboy until it settles before bottling?

I just bottled this kit and am wondering about what you think of the taste at this point? Mine had a light fruity taste but also kind of watered down, how about you?
You sure can, akaudigger.

Big Port, wait about 6 more months to a year. You'll certainly enjoy it much more then. There's a reason why you can't buy good 2005 vintages in the stores yet. They're bulk aging it for you.
Thanks Martina. I am sure your right. Just nervous, hoping i didn't do something wrong (like add too much water, which I am sure i didn't).

I see by your profile that you are USAF. Where you stationed? I'm at Wright-Pat.

Thanks for all the replys. I'm at F.E. Warren in Cheyenne WY. The taste was pretty good. I picked up a bottle of Schlink Haus riesling to compare it to the kit, and I thought the kit was as sweet so I added the sugar. Since this is my first try I was'nt sure if it will get sweeter with age or not or how much sweeter would it get. I dissolved 2 1/2 cups of sugar in 1 1/4 cups of water then added that. Hopefully it won't be to sweet.
I have found that it does taste sweeter with time. i have had some that actually get to sweet tasting after a year. I gave these away to the people that dont like dry wines. They are very happy. Now I make batches normal dryness and one everynow and then a little sweet. I have found the more you make the less sweet your palite will want sweetened wine. Unless deserts wines of course. PORTs