Yeast smell

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Mar 26, 2012
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I have made about 6 batches. Half the batches I have made taste amazing but have a yeasty smell. Is this due to me being greedy and getting as much as I can when I rack or could it be due to something else? I have pulled back lately on letting more go down the drain.
Think you nailed it, leave the Lee's behind and top with water or another wine, it will take the yeast smell out. The more you rack the less smell you'll have.
One way to save more wine and still get rid of the lees is when you are done racking, pour the leftovers into a wine bottle or a half gallon jug, let it sit for a few days and it will settle out and either pour or siphon the wine back into the carboy and pitch whats left. One of the first wines I did, I lost about two gallons of wine due to throwing out too much good wine with the lees.
I do that to but I ussually end up sampling it instead of topping off my caboy.