Winter is finally over!!

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Super Moderator
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Mar 1, 2009
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Winter is over and the garden's are blooming but who's idea was it to fertilize the lawn. I'm cutting my grass on the average every four days now.

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Thanks Mike, I would really like to get into dehlias as I love those plants but I would have to dig them up every fall and I'm not willing to do that right now. You do a wonderful job on them and I always enjoy your pictures.
I have to admit I quit digging them up. I spent more money on one gallon plastic bags and cedar shavings only to lose 60% to dry rot or the opposite wet/mold rot. I found it much easier and about the same cost to just buy a couple of bags of tubers from Costco each Spring for about $20 each.

SSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Winter will hear you!!!

It's wonderful to see the grass, smell the mud, and see the green on the trees.
I love summer!
I woke up this morning and it is 38 degrees ! The grass may be green but it isn't much fun to mow with your coat on. Come on sun !

Winter is finally over for us as well. Spent all of last sunday out on my sundeck, grilling on the bbq and sippin some of the good stuff (our 2012 cabernet).

I have been dreaming of a day like last sunday for 5 months!

This weekend lookl like the weather will be even better. 80 degrees, sunny, and low humidity.. all is good with the world!

Dan, Fantastic yard you got there. I hope you take time to truly enjoy it..