Wine Recipes!!! Now Online!!!

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Your not doing all this because of me whining are you??????
Well, it turns out, it's not JUST you, your computer or your ISP.
And no, you're not whining. Maybe wine-ing (which is excellent!), but not whining.

I was at my sister's the other day, tried it out there, and she has the same problems too. We think we have narrowed down the problem, and so this weekend will be a server revamp. No infos will be lost (hopefully), and I will keep you posted.

Sorry about this, we want everyone to be able to use it, and we hope this will be the ultimate fix.
Looks like the Recipe Site is up and running....THANK YOU!!! It's beautiful...I can see all the graphics and read all the recipes.

Now, you got to have everyone post their recipes so people like me can read and use them for inspiration.

So glad that this has all worked out...spread the wanted.
Trying to spread the word....


I'd like this to be a FVW-only site, but.......

If people don't post their recipes, it's hard to find any. I've added a few of my own (17), as you can see, but it's not the "norm." I would love to add George's, but since I cannot rate them, I cannot add them.

I will, however, state again:

If you have tweaked a Jack Keller (JK) recipe, add it! If you have made one of George's recipes, add it (stating where you got it from). If you have created your own recipe, add it! No pictures necessary! The only thing necessary is your recipe, and your honest evaluation of it. Good, bad, mediocre! A little hint: no wine will be placed lower than 4th. That doesn't mean it's a 4th place winner, but it just means, it's not one of the best you've ever made.

I know you all have tasting notes. Or at least a good memory of the wines you've made. So please, add them!

I know a lot of you are quite new to wine-making.
Don't be shy to add your own recipe!

I've added mine, and even the ones that aren't all that great! I love to get reviews of my wines, because even that is documented and taken into consideration for others. There are plenty of wines that I loved, my husband hated, and I take an average of the responses I get.

Also, if you do a vinter's harvest concentrate wine -- add it! If you've done a kit wine - add it! You can! Just denote that it's a kit wine in the recipe section. The nice thing about this site is that you can RATE your wines you've made. You don't like the Spagnol's Chianti (I have no clue if they even offer it, so sorry if it's a great wine)? Then state it! What's missing in it? Did you tweak a kit wine with oak or sugar? ADD IT! Did you buy concentrate and added some fruit to it? ADD IT! There are plenty of categories to put anything you have in!

I don't want to toot my own (or my husband's) horn, but that's the beauty of this website. You can/have to rate your wines, and you can say what you've done differently than the kit manufacturers said.

We are open to all suggestions! It takes time for updates and corrections, I will warn you. We're working at maximum capacity as it is, and our cats haven't learned the art of HTML....... yet. (They are getting familiar with the mouse, though).

Thanks again,


EDIT!!!! My husband reminded me:

Edited by: MedPretzel
I will work on adding some of mine this week...some of my issue is most my non kit wines are very young so an honest evaluation of the wine has not been done yet.
Poor ole Waldo...Martina booted him and his recipe he submitted clean off her site. Forever banned from her site he slinks off underneath the Broadway bridge in North Little Rock where his ever growing entourage of fans await the arrival of another load of his fine wines.
no no, Waldo!!!!


I realized there was a problem with your muscadine recipe, and I thought you should rate it. Sorry, must have not been on my "to do list" to ask you to resubmit. I am so sorry!


Please forgive me!

M.Edited by: MedPretzel
Quick update:

Thanks to Masta for pointing it out to me: You can now search for names of people who have entered in wines.
Thanks everyone so far for wine recipes!!!

I'm thrilled to report we have 25 recipes in our index now, including:
<LI>Berry wines</LI>
<LI>Herb wines</LI>
<LI>Fruit wines</LI>
<LI>Grape (including kits) wines</LI>
<LI>Flower wines</LI>[/list]

and much, more....

Please click on the link: to view!

Keep them coming, people.
I just love the site Martina. I'll try and remember to add a recipe of mine whenI get back onshore in a couple of weeks.

Just tried your recipe site and I'm getting a blank page
. Tried your quitobee site and get in without a problem
I had no problemgetting it, I printed out the Canned Pineapple Wine recipe

Just tried it again and it works fine now. I'll try to put up a recipe today.
Martina, I didn't have any problem getting into the site, just making the search options work. None of the dropbox categories worked, but when I clicked on "Search Ingredients" the page reloaded and I got a rather large display running from Lavender Wine to Rhubarb/Strawberry/Red Grape.

Clicking on the Submitter links(from home page) also works.
Thank you Jack, but I think you didn't type anything into the the "search ingreadients" box next to the click-box. If nothing is typed in there, everything will show up.

If you type in lavender, for example, only the lavender will show up.

Of course, if you type in "sugar" most will be listed as well.


Thanks for visiting the site!
