Wine for Martina

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Senior Member
Aug 16, 2004
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Martina I thought you might be interested in the new wine I'm trying.It is a Rose/Blueberry.Ingredients are as follows...

2 quarts wild rose petals

1/2 lb. blueberries

1 can welches niagra grape juice

1 lb. honey

3tsp. acid blend

1 tsp. yeast nutrient

enough sugar to get the SG. to 1.12

and 1 and 1/2 gallons water.

It smells great and taste even better. I can't wait to find out what the finished wine will be like.

Gosh that sounds great!

Please keep us posted as to how it develops. Post some pictures!


I'll post a pic as soon as I rack into secondary.

I've been thinking of trying some with roses too. I'm guessing that the rose petals would be best if freshly picked and used right away. Is there a way to keep them fresh if it is going to be a few days before you can get your wine started? Keep in the fridge?? Greenbean, that blueberry rose sounds great!! Martina I know you have alot of experience too. Appreciate your advice.

Oh....and in the recipe are the petals a loosly or tighlty packed two quarts? Ramona

I usually use loosely packed quarts for my flower wine. I measure them out and then freeze them. This not only allows me to get enough for a batch, but it is also helpful in breaking down the petals which is useful for fermentation. I suggest you do the same.

I don't think you'd lose too much smell with freezing. It definitely is okay to freeze them until you have enough.


Sounds like a winner! My husband decided we need roses in our practically pure shade garden. If I get a rose to actually bloom, I'll add the petals to .... something!
Try to find some wild roses i.e old world. The single or double petal kind. They tend to do well in shade. They grow wild in the woods around here.

Thanks, I will try! :) I am always leery about roses, because I hear that they require so much care (cutting, pruning, etc), and I am the one that usually ends up doing it all. Hahahaha! :)

I am torn, however.... I would like my own rose-hips, but rose-petal wine sounds fantastic too!

Don't worry about wild roses. The less you mess with them the prettier they are.
