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Oct 23, 2014
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40 mile yonder & PLUM NOWHERE
why is it on here that people from supposable the great wine places have so much trouble getting equipment, yet a rookie at best can open my computer and ask all you venter's how to use this no problem, I've talk to a few that has trouble getting any stuff and we get stuff quite easily
i don't know why i even ask this but i freely do thss as a hobby and it really helps me, yet i feel guilty because they don't have much of a chance for their hobby's
My guess would be goverements all over the world are different ( in name) but they all want to have supreme control over the masses because the ones in charge are so much smarter than us normal peasants and they make the rules on how they want us to live. That would be my guess, and after spending 20 years in the Navy, sailing around the world a few times and meeting a lot of different people, one thing I learned is, for the most part, we are all the same, just the ones in charge suck.:h. That be my 2 cents.
you're dead nuts right on that.

My guess would be goverements all over the world are different ( in name) but they all want to have supreme control over the masses because the ones in charge are so much smarter than us normal peasants and they make the rules on how they want us to live. That would be my guess, and after spending 20 years in the Navy, sailing around the world a few times and meeting a lot of different people, one thing I learned is, for the most part, we are all the same, just the ones in charge suck.:h. That be my 2 cents.
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