when to degass

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Dec 28, 2006
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I'm kinda new at this wine making thing , started back in sept. I got 5 gal white zin (kit) 5 gal catabwa (juice), 10 gal apple (fruit) 3 gal of cider and 2.5 gal of welches (frozen) . My question is when is the right to degass, I read up alot on it on how to but really nothing on when to do it....Thanks....................Vino man
Degas the kit when the instructions tell you to, usually before or at fining. The juice wines I degas whenever I rack again after the SG is stable indicating fermenting is done. I don't degas before bottling as that would stir what few lees remained after the last racking. I believe it's better to overstir(to a point) rather than understirring. Make sure you remove a couple quarts before degassing especially if you use a power drill or you will get an eruption.
Ditto what the apple mane said. If it is a scratch made wine, I wait till the second racking after I get to final SG then go to it with my drill or if it is just a gallon, I shake it, rest it and shake some more.

From the looks of your projects, it appears you are off to a running start. The more wine you make at once, the better chances are you will be able to get some age on some of them.

Good luck
Stabilize the wine then degass. Then you can let it clear, rack as many times as needed then bulk age or bottle.

Edited by: smurfe