What's in your wine?

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Just what we need.....MORE GOVERNMENT! Why is it that everytime government gets involved, the cost goes up? Maybe a little less government and more common sense from the people is all we really need.

I think it is rather interesting that you never hear of anyone dying from something in the wine other than the alcohol itself. Some people get headaches and upset stomaches, but like anything else, if it makes you sick, don't drink it. See, just some common sense.

As an aside, if you have done much reading on wine making, you pretty much know about everything in the article. I was surprised that they did not discuss bugs, larvae, spiders, etc. that wind up in wine. If that stuff won't kill you, I think the other residual items are fine.
Better yet, if it gives you a headache throw that commercial bottle out
and make your own using a lot less sulfite. My next door neighbor
cannot drink wine (or so she thought) because of this until I gave her
a bottle of each of my first three wines not knowing about her sulfite
problem and just to tell me how they tasted she had some and came back
to me asking why she didnt get a headache from my wine. I told her that
commercial wines have alot more sulfites in them then home-made. Now I
give her a bottle or 2 from every batch and she usually responds with a
homemade cherry-swirlled in cheese cake that weighs about ten lbs.
<RANT>I am fed up with people like The Center for Science in the Public Interest, which is no such thing. It is made up of people with a radical agenda, much like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). Give those two groups their way and the Earth, which now feeds, what?, 5 billion people, could support about 250 million.

It's all marketing. How you describe something. Neither of the above listed organisations is in any way representative of what their name suggests. PETA, for example, has tried to "free" dogs from "captivity" at dog shows. (I used to show Yorkies, and have 7 as pets now.) Is it good for the dog to release it into the "wild" in the middle of a city?

CSPI wants us to eat only that which is "natural" and "healthy." In other words, grow it yourself, and don't even think about poisoning that bug that's eating your tomato plant. Spend your day picking the bugs off with your fingers and stepping on them. (Acceptable to CSPI, not acceptable to PITA.)

If CSPI and PITA had their way that 12 oz. New York Strip (medium rare for me, please) on the menu at the local steak joint would be offered as a Slab of Muscle Tissue Hacked from the Side of an Immature Castrated Bull, Treated with Chemicals. (Salt and pepper are chemicals, aren't they?)</RANT?

Sorry, guys. This one hit one of my hot buttons. Masta, feel free to kill my post if you think you should.
"Supporters, such as Leo McCloskey, president of Enologix, a Sonoma, Calif.-based wine consulting company that has analyzed the chemical composition of 70,000 wines, say the best wines don't rely on additives. If ingredients were listed on wine labels, the finer wines would stand out"

What a crock! Not they they won't stand out, they will, they will be the ones with a three digit price tag! But do they honestly think the average Wine drinker is going to know the difference, and based on not knowing what Bentonite is, will pay $20 or $30 more perbottle to not have it in it? Doubt it!
"a Slab of Muscle Tissue Hacked from the Side of an Immature Castrated Bull, Treated with Chemicals. (Salt and pepper are chemicals, aren't they?"

I would order that if I seen it on a menu.

Lifes to short to not have a sense of humor.
I am a member of PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals)
wade said:
Put some A-1 on it and I'm there!

So you haven't tried Masta's Dragon Sauce either????

You'll never go back to A-1.

My bottle of A-1 has been in my fridge and untouched since I got the dragon sauce.

A couple of weeks ago we had some friends over and had soe huge steaks. I had about a dozen different bottles of hot sauces and steak sauces on the table, along with the small bottle of dragon sauce, that I had to refill twice during our meal with the big bottle I got from Masta.

I wish he would patend that stuff and get it on the store shelves!
Nope, never knew about any but the three awesome sauces that were so
generously given for helping with designing the labels for them! Masta,
I think you need to put out a list of available sauces for us to
purchase! Hey Jobe, were they sirloin-alots!
So why doesnt our local government disclose everything that is in the water they sell us. From start, processing method ,chemicals used, all sources contacted, to finish. We would all probably be glad to have a glass of wine with all "those additives" after learning that.
My Dad always told the only thing you put on a good staek is Salt and Pepper, but the dragon sauce does sound interesting

Also watched a program that showed that PITA actually uthenized more animals last year than the SPCA, lol. I like the Tasty Animals line though
I loved your posting, PeterZ. I'm all for providing information, but it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up whena group like PETAtries to tell me how to think. I guess there are those that don't know or are afraid to think on their own, so they need someone telling them how to think.

As for the wine article, I don't have a problem with listing the ingredients of wine on the label. To me it's just information. Interestingly enough Winexpert already does this on their boxes and we still buy them, make them and enjoy them.

I'll think of you all tonight when I pop the cork on a 2001 bordeaux (finedwith eggwhites andpreserved with sulphites)and sit down to a hickory smoked porterhouse (raised with the intention to be eaten)smothered in sauteed onions and mushrooms (sprayed with stuff that kills bugs). Now if I only had some of that dragon sauce I'm hearing about, I'd be all set.


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