what happens if....

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Sep 27, 2011
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what happens if you let white wine grapes ferment on their skins??? i know this is not nromally done, but what is the problem with doing so??? Thx,
You can impart too many tannins from the skins/seeds causing off flavors as well.

I don't think it will really hurt you - might need a lot more time to come around - but white wines do not really gain anything at all from sitting on the skins.
skins or not to skin?

The reason it isn't done in the industry is that there is know real benefit and it would be time consuming(no benefit) ,but if you want to try it do so,experiment ,be creative,see the difference for your self.:pic
We have taken the skins that were left over from the press and added sugar water to it and have made very good wine, 10 gallons of skins and 5 gallons of water will yield approx. 15 gallons of wine. Let it ferment on the wild yeast