we finally bottled the fruit coctail wine

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Jun 11, 2006
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it's about 6 months old and we back sweertned prox 3 percent before the fruity flavor emerged.
We will leave 12 bottles to age more and retest the other 3
I always thought that was an interesting sounding wine Scotty. Glad you got it in the bottle. All it needs now is to age a bit more and then enjoyed!
Im really curious as to what that will taste like. WIll it be sweet or dry. Thats gotta be a dessert wine. The label makes itlook sweet!Looks great!
The fruit cocktail wine came out well. It has a slight fruit flavor; nothing discernable. We back sweetened it to 3% which makes it off dry, just enough to bring out the flavor. It is a very nice white wine.

The label was one I did. I punched in fruit cocktail on the Internet browser and it came up with a fruit cocktail tree. So I incorporated that into the label. Making labels is a fun thing to do. I enjoy that part as much as making the wine.

Our next bottling will probably be the Australian Shiraz or the Concorde Grape. We also have a few others aging in the wine room to bottle.
Scotty, I like your passion of odd wines. What one is your all time favorite?
CajunTim said:
Scotty, I like your passion of odd wines. What one is your all time favorite?

Don't know what Scotty will say, but of all the wines we have made, my favorite oddball wine would be the coffee wine.
CajunTim said:
Scotty, I like your passion of odd wines. What one is your all time favorite?

Peperonni with anchovie wine for sure. Try it and you will never drink imported french wine again.

You may decide to quit drinking wine altogether also

There really is not a passion for odd wines but since fruit is not easily gotten in my area i try to make wines that are not kit wines.

The sangeovese kit was my favorite tasting red though and i cant wait to taste the australian shiraz kit.

We will probably pick up another kit this summer when we go to pensylvania for Rockys daughters wedding.

Scotty waiting for a new power supply on my computerEdited by: Miss Rocky
kaluba said:
Im really curious as to what that will taste like. WIll it be sweet or dry. Thats gotta be a dessert wine. The label makes itlook sweet!Looks great!

We ferment our wines to dry then after treating them we backsweeten just a little.

im thinking that the welches concord may not need back sweetning.Just a guess.
Miss Rocky

Welches fermented to dry is great ,I made 5 galons to serve at our 50th wedding anniversy party the kids gave my wife and I

Harry said:
Miss Rocky

Welches fermented to dry is great ,I made 5 galons to serve at our 50th wedding anniversy party the kids gave my wife and I


50 years! Congratulations to you both.

We have found that back sweetening to around 3% brings out the flavor and does not over-power the wine with sweetness.

We checked the wine room to see what we have aging yesterday. We have 6 gallons of the Welches Concorde Grape, 6 gallons of Orange, 3 gallons of Blackberry, and 6 gallons of Australian Shiraz to bottle. One thing I like about making wine is that you don't have to bottle it until you feel like it.