Wax sealing?

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Inquiring Knowledge Member
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
I have a pretty simple question about sealing bottles with wax, so when you cork a bottle, you need another 1/4 inch or so to pour the wax on, how do you push the cork down that 1/4 inch? Do you just use another cork through your corker or is there some special way to do it?
With a floor corker you can adjust it to do that. If you are inserting by hand it's still pretty easy to push the cork down a bit more. You could use a wood dowell and tap it in with a hammer or even use the handle of a screwdriver to push it in.

If your dipping your bottles there is no need to recess the cork.
I don't believe there is an adjustment on those. On a floor corker there is a setting for depth so you can sink the cork further into the bottle. You could probably get a wooden dowel or something similar and tap the cork in further by placing the dowel on the cork and tapping it with a rubber mallet or small hammer.
Great thanks, I'll see what I can do with a dowel, I'm not going to dip, I'm going to pour the wax I think