water mellon wine

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Jan 15, 2012
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I just started 20 gal water mellon wine.(5 buckets, 4 gal each) The recipe said the juice can sour quickly so keep it cold until the acohol content is up enough to preserve the juice. I have kept it in a bedroom with a very cold window unit AC running but can detect a slight sour-like smell or is it just the normal process of fermentation. The buckets are bubbling like crazy but how can I know for sure if the juice has soured?
Thanks for any feedback! Matt
I've never made it, but I've followed the threads of many who have tried and failed. Seems the trick that could make it work is to freeze the juice first and then remove the clear ice crystals which concentrates the juice.
Taste it Matt! The only thing I can say is if it turns bad--there will be no mistaking it. Cannot explain it any other way, sorry.
I made it once, when mine went bad it smelled like a cross between the pink medicine the Dr gives your kids and what it smell like after they barf it back up.

following along...I have a bunch of watermelons growing in my garden and plan to make watermelon wine
how exactly do you go about cold fermenting or freezing the fruit method?
I have an extra fridge up and running downstairs thats empty so I can fit a couple 6 gallon
batches in it, will that be too cold? I also have an empty wine cooler it will fit in would that be better?
the entire fermenting process at 55F? I didn't think yeast would ferment at that
cold of temps?