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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2006
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Is it true you have a technique for degassing gallon jugs? (Not that you personally need degassing!
There are a few ways. 1 being to sanitize your palm and puy it tight to
the top of your bottle and shake and then let the pressure out. The
other is taking a mix trir for your drill and grinding down the little
screws that hold the swinging arms on. I've done both. If you grind
them down, tighten the nuts so that they just move freely and then
grind them down and it will just fit in the gallon jug top. nI used a
belt sander to grind mine down but you could use a grinder or do it the
old fashioned way with a metal file. Good Luck.
That grinding down the screws thing sounds like waaay too much candy for a nickel! I guess I'll shake. =)

Thanks Wade!

Its only 1 little screw at the top where the white plastic hits the
metal arm. You only have to do one side as the other side is the screw
head. It only took a minute and will save lots of time when you have a
few of these gallons to do. I only advise this if you have the same
degasser, not sure if another would work.
Mine doesn't look like that and must be a different brand. It just fits in a carboy.
Oh well. Do you have a cap for the gallon jug, if so put it on really
tight and shake the heck out of it, release pressure and repeat many
Joan, I use a spoon that I shaved the sides on to fit inside the jug and put that on a drill. Works great for me, but once again grinding.
Joan said:
Mine doesn't look like that and must be a different brand. It just fits in a carboy.

You must have the whip Joan......Call George and tell him to send you a stir-xEdited by: Waldo
Walde and Waldo,

George has a Mix Stir and a Fizz-x but not a "mix trir" or a "stir-x". (You made those up!
) Which one fits in a gallon jug?
Joan, mine is the Fizz-x, but like I said mine had to be ground down,
maybe George could see if any of these drill mouters fit right in a
gallon jug with no grinding or sanding.Does anyone know if he sells the
vacuvin. I was looking for it but did not find it.