Vegatarian - Clearing options?

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Senior Member
Jan 9, 2011
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First off I'm a vegetarian-not vegan and would like to find some clearing options that aren't made out of dead animals. Products that are made from animals that weren't killed for the product are exceptable. I'd like to use this for my cranberry wine and a riesling I'm about to start.

Any suggestions, and locations to get the items online?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think sparkolloid is just Diatomaceous earth -- ie. fancy dirt. perfect for a vegetarian :w

EDIT: spelled sparkolloid wrong
hmm.... the sparkoloid is located under both animal and vegan products? I'm confused as to which it is? So if I added sparkoloid and Bentonite do you guys think I'd be ok?

Thanks for the help.... again:D
D.E. is made of the fossilized shells of prehistoric algae. Should be acceptable. Egg whites don't kill anything. Bentonite is clay. Of course, time will clear wine too and that is vegan.
First off I'm a vegetarian-not vegan and would like to find some clearing options that aren't made out of dead animals. Products that are made from animals that weren't killed for the product are exceptable. I'd like to use this for my cranberry wine and a riesling I'm about to start.

Any suggestions, and locations to get the items online?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm trying to think of any animal that is killed just to produce a clearing agent. Hmmmm..... most agents that are of animal origin are a by-product. For instance, Chitosan is from the shells of crustaceans (crab, shrimp, etc.) but I don't think anyone is killing them to get the shells. I'm sure their shells are a waste product of the food industry and they are being "recycled" by using them for another purpose.

Even going back in time, ox blood was a common treatment. But I doubt anyone every said, "Sven, go kill our ox out there in the field, I need a half cup of blood to clear this wine". It too would have been a by-product of the butchering.

I guess it really depends on where you want to draw the line. As others have said, time is your friend and if you have a lot of it, you won't need very much in the way of fining agents.
Thanks for the reply's guys, I will go with a combo of sparkoloid and bentonite. As to the last poster, using animal products that don't kill them is acceptable in vegetarianism, but not veganism, that's the difference.
I've heard of kosher wine, but vegetarian wine is a new one on me.
How is it that eggs and milk are considered vegetarian, they are animal products? Just because the animal was not killed for them, they are still animal, not vegetable.

Vegan would not include milk and eggs, But Lacto-Ovo Vegitarians can eat it with peace. I was Lacto-Ovo for a very long time. Vegans are the ones who don't do anything with anything meat byproduct or product. There are a few diferent ranges of Vegitarian, These are the two most widly known ones though

Time is all you need to clear. Just be patient and all will be well!