Tried My First Bottle of Norton Grape Wine

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Senior Member
Jan 18, 2010
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This past weekend my friend came back from Iowa, where he goes each year to help his friend pick grapes from his 7 acre vineyard. His friend makes and sells wine from the vineyard.

Last year he brought back a bottle of wine, I don't recall the variety, that was just semi OK. It had a strong vegetative taste, for which I didn't care much.

This time he brought back a bottle of dry wine from Norton grapes. It was the first and only time I have tried a Norton.

I was more than pleasantly surprised! In my opinion, it was really a nice wine. It was smooth, with a long, soft and very pleasant finish; no vegetative or herbaceous taste at all. It was a wine I could drink often.

Like any other wine, all Nortons don't taste the same, of course, but this one was really nice. If you haven't tried a Norton, give one a taste.
Yeah - Norton grapes make a fantastic dry full bodied red wine. When I get my destemmer - I will be making some norton's. Already have access to them.
Yeah - Norton grapes make a fantastic dry full bodied red wine. When I get my destemmer - I will be making some norton's. Already have access to them.

I liked the one I tried well enough that if I could get hold of some Nortons, I'd sure make it!
I've had good Nortons, very good Nortons and bad Nortons.

I'm growing some, although I won't have a chance for a good crop until next year (I hope).
Robie, was the bottle from last year Norton also? Seems like it would be. To what do you attribute the difference?

Actually, the first bottle of wine I tried from that vineyard last year was not a Norton wine. I can't remember what it was, just not a Norton. He grows 4 different grapes. It was a 2009, though. I surely did not like it!

The one I tried last weekend definitely was a 2010 Norton. Very nice drinking wine.
I have a friend who has norton grapes and makes wine with them. It was not completly dry and reminded me of a lambrusco that my mom drinks. Very tasty.
Norton is a wine that can really shine if it is make well, but if not treated well it can be very acidic. My Norton wine is often the first one I run out of. Most of the time it is much better than the Cabernet.
They both grow in Missouri. Norton is the most prominent Missouri-grown variety.

They both do well here. Although i favor the Norton.

The Norton has good cold hardiness.
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