this wine making is ridiculous

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DD, I was predicting you would have found a way to burn the lables off at work by now and call it a learning experience:) WVMJ

All of the above, soooo true!

Add---converted garage (where I used to park my truck) into storage space for used wine bottles (about 500), yet to be delabeled. I'm now carting several cases to work each day, filling a deepsink in the maintenance bay with Oxyclean and delabeling bottles between fire calls. Nobody minds, because I gave everyone in the station a bottle of my wine---including the chief---and they loved it!

Life is good! Oh crap, I have to go delabel today's batch! :D
What a great idea, Jack!

"Training session! Everyone to the maintenance bay!"
jamesngalveston said:
ahhh...have friends in Rayne, Abbeville,Crowley and Breaux Bridge

Yea I've got family from pecan island to Baton Rouge and every where in between. Been in south louisiana my whe life. Your not originally from Texas?
I go to Lake Charles quite a bit to see family. And I go to north east la.
to fish, and New Orleans for football when i get tickets.
If i make to your neck of the woods, I will surely let you know.
When I first started reading this forum,and I read where all of you had made all this wine, and you had all this wine in fermentation, I thought you nuts.
My turkey baster is now a wine thief
My potato masher is now a fruit crusher
My paint screen is now my fruit bag.
My tool shed is now my wine making storage unit.
My drill press is now my bottle corker.
And my clothes hanger is now my degasser.
I had to make an excel spread sheet to keep track.
And now I get free sugar coupons from Krogers.
What is next.

What is next? In my case (pun intended) you end up making 500 cases per year and selling it in your newly leased and remodeled tasting room.

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