This season is already painful

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Feb 9, 2010
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Have pity on me. I am a Giants fan. First time (in i-don't-know-how-long) that big blue started a season at 0 and 4. In NY, if you wanted to see a team lose, you simply would watch the Jets.

I would say that the Giants are playing like a highschool team, but that would not be fair to the highschool teams out there.
I'm a Jets fan, I feel your pain!
With Sanchez out for the season, we are left with Geno Smith.
I keep waiting for Rex Ryan to depart the team.
I think our Super Bowl dreams are out the door this year!
I'm a Jets fan, I feel your pain!
With Sanchez out for the season, we are left with Geno Smith.
I keep waiting for Rex Ryan to depart the team.
I think our Super Bowl dreams are out the door this year!

Must be hard to be a jets fan. the one and only superbowl appearence was in 1968. You guys are defintely die-hards! Hats off to youse!
well eli manning has certainly not been himself...maybe he needs to make more rap videos, to get his mind off football.
sorry for your pain...i am a die hard saints fan...what i went through last year was tough...this year i am looking for tickets.
Absolutely no sympathy from us Steeler fans. Misery loves company....
Another Giants fan here. I don't know how you can go from Super Bowl to no playoffs to 0-4. :ft
Well this is not football but im a Reds fan :( they just cant get there!!!
hey guys could be worse , you could be pittsburg fans.


Yep, after decades of winning, now we see what the Rooney Rule really produces...a coach that couldn't win with that level of talent and terrible personnel decisions.

Time for Tomlin and his assistants to go!
I am a Yankee fan, since 1978.
The Yankees have missed the post season for the 2nd time in 18 years.
Now when this happens I usually put all my focus on the G-Men.
But at 0-4 that has left me afraid to turn the on the TV on Sundays.

The O line is abysmal or maybe just a turnstyle!
The receivers cant catch.
And Eli's reckless throwing down field to avoid a sack is getting him intercepted!

Of course my neighbor, who is a Steelers fan have a bet going as to who wins thier 1st game.
Even with the steelers on a BYE week, I am not so sure it will be the Giants!
Time for Tomlin and his assistants to go!

While this may be true, he has had a pretty successful run with a Super Bowl victory in 2009 as the youngest head coach ever to do that.
I am a Yankee fan, since 1978.
The Yankees have missed the post season for the 2nd time in 18 years.
Now when this happens I usually put all my focus on the G-Men.
But at 0-4 that has left me afraid to turn the on the TV on Sundays.

The O line is abysmal or maybe just a turnstyle!
The receivers cant catch.
And Eli's reckless throwing down field to avoid a sack is getting him intercepted!

Of course my neighbor, who is a Steelers fan have a bet going as to who wins thier 1st game.
Even with the steelers on a BYE week, I am not so sure it will be the Giants!

I could not agree more about the o-line! Last week, I commented to my brother that Eli must have angered them some how. They seem to have this "you want him, you can have him" expression on their faces!

Next week we play the Eagles. If there is any justice in the universe, please let them at least beat the Eagles!